Sunday, November 2, 2014

Monday Nov.3 trip to SC

I took a load out to the bunk house and CSA shed n the am. I spent too much time trying to get a rope untied from a tree... accident. Ooops. Called Mandy on the way out the driveway. I had not gotten her texts yesterday and so we arranged to meet in Holstein this am. I took Missy's books to the library. I met Mandy about 8:30 the off to SC. We stopped at Menards to get a laundry room sink. Then to Lowes, They did not have Denny's light bulbs. Then to Dr. Hunt. No dates available in November. Not sure what to think. I met with a home school family while Mandy thrifted. Then we went to eat at Olive Garden, Then shopping. Back in IG about 6. Denny ws working on a leak in the Laundry room. December 8? Pictures from the wedding. It was so much fun!!

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