Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday November 2: I can see clearly now

End of Daylight savings time. I was in bed from 7 until 5:30. Long time. We called Grands to pick them up for donuts. Good SS class with Beth Moore DVD. We had Nepal 10 bean soup for lunch. Pretty good. I worked on school for a while. Denny started on washing windows and I went up and helped him. Good to be able to see out. I dug up dahlia bulbs. Now I'm not sure what to do with them. I think the soil should dry out a little before putting them in the root cellar. I put them in 5 gallon buckets in the CSA barn. Hopefully I won't forget them and they freeze solid before I get them in root cellar. We went to prayer time. Pictures are from fun day with Mandy and Grands in Cherokee. We visited 4-5 playgrounds. It was a beautiful day weather wise.

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