Monday, December 30, 2019

Day 2

I walked 3 miles in am and thought pickle ball was at 9, but NO, it started at 8:30.  So I went down late and it was still fun.  Chilly lunch on the deck.  At four we went to Brad and Joyces; nice time visiting with neighbors.   Watched tv at night.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Day 1 in Texas

Nice slow am.  Church at 10:30, then to Best Buy, Staples, Walmart, and back home to trailer.  Denny swept off the deck and we ate a late lunch there.   I went with Gail to Dollar store and Real's trailer to put some things for Jean in it.  We joined 3 other couples to play pool.  It was fun!!  When we got back Missy called.   It is so good to hear from her.  Hot tub later tonight.

I am so thankful for the Daddys of my Grandchildren: Matt, Phillip, Luke, Jason.  

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Arrived!!! Long car ride

We left the motel a little after eight.  It looks like a 6 hour drive from Temple to B'ville.  We stopped once for gas and a bite to eat.  So far we have passed 38 motor homes heading south for warmer temperatures.  And since Corpus Christie we passed 3 cars loaded like ours to the hilt.  And about 5+ beat up cars pulling 2 beat cup worse cars, probably headed to Mexico.  Arrived around 3.  We went to Hendersons for Tamales made by Tao's wife.  Great start to the season.  13 of us.  5 plus Fay&Jerry,  Wayne&Kay,  Joyce&Brad, Bert.  Nice people, nice time.

Friday, December 27, 2019

December 27

We got a pretty early start after Matt fixed us poached eggs and avocados.  Then we drove and drove and filled with gas about every 200 miles and drove and drove and filled with gas after 200 miles,  repeat, repeat, repeat.  After 12 hours on the road I made a Super 8 reservation at Benton.   Well, that is not my favorite thing to do, and my phone wasn't telling us how to get there, SO it got a little heated until we stopped and Denny plugged the destination into his speaking phone.  Arrived and the BEST part was a Mexican place to eat within walking distance AND IT WAS WARM ENOUGH WE PUT THE WINTER COATS AWAY!!!  SO good to have a steak quesadilla.   After we got back to our room we realized our room not only was on ground level ... it also had a shower seat to put in the tub, a grab bar by the stool, and a movable grab bar for the tub.  Well, these old folks slept well.  

Thursday, December 26, 2019

December 26

A slow wonderful morning.  I fixed biscuits and gravy.  The families started gathering gear and packing up to leave. Rose's gift from Jensens came and she took at bath with Bathtime Anabel.    She and I played outside while Lincoln had his lunch.  Luke and troop were the last to leave and got to take home stuff from the refridge.  Sour cream, thyme, OJ, and anything else I could talk him into.  The rest went in the trash.  After everyone had left Denny and I started cleaning, washing bedding, making beds, vacuuming, and packing.  It looked pretty good when we were done.  We got showers taken by 7 pm and then we headed to Savannah.  We got there about 11, visited little with Haley, Torren and Matt and headed to bed.  

December 25

Merry Christmas!!!  We are blessed by the birth of our Savior and the love of our family.  We are missing the Jensens immensely.  Lord, be with them and keep them safe!!  I got up and started warming the cinnamon rolls.  Boys and little ones were awake first.  Coffee from Matt's family was ready.  Great start to the day.  Denny had spent time at the sunroom table last week looking up  Luke and New Testament scripture to read this morning.  So many wonderful gifts for all the family!!!  Fun to open and share.   We ate scrambled eggs and Tiefentaler  bacon, juice, cream cheese coffee cake, pastry for breakfast.  Naps, playing with new stuff, and visiting filled the afternoon.  About 6 Denny started the pork chops and I got party potatoes, onion casserole, and bag salad. ready.   After eating more visiting and watching, changing little ones.  It worded well to visit on the patio furniture in the garage.  

Dec 24

We spent the morning doing last minute stuff, took a nap, and then we waited and waited and waited until kids came about 3 pm.  SO good to see them!!  Denny was doing a reading for the 5 pm candlelight service.  We had plate tacos (Denny didn't want to call them walking, because he wanted people to sit and eat them.  :)  After the service Mike B. took some pictures of us and then we went home and contacted the Jensens on Whatsap.  We ended up sending videos because the internet connection wasn't the best.  We visited in the living room and then after babies were in bed we talked in the garage on patio furniture.   Love family time.  Missing 5 ... half a world away.  

Family at candlelight service. 
 Two cute 2 year olds
 Cute little 4 some with pj's from Mandy. 

Haley got a necklace with her name on it (in Nepali) from Anabel. 
Kane got a burka knife from Brooks.
TJ got a burka knife from Evan.  

Monday, December 23, 2019

Wonderful day in the neighborhood.

I didn't sleep very well because I was so excited about the family coming home this week.  And feeling blessed.  But today mostly I have just felt tired!!!  Not good for me to not get my sleep, even tho I am so happy just lying in bed feeling blessed.  The sunrise was beautiful!!!  About 9 Julie came over for coffee and to visit.  Always good to talk to her.  When she left, Denny went to town, and I took a nap.  He brought home Casey's pizza and we invited Jacob and Beth over for supper to show them the ropes of taking care of the place while we are gone.  Denny packed and I went to the Mr. Roger's movie.  Nice day in the neighborhood.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Dedicating Tyler to the Lord.

We left about 8:45 to head to Cherokee for Tyler's baptism.  Nice service and Jack and Addie helped.  Afterward we went to Mandy and Jason's for lunch.  So good to visit with the Cooks, Webster's and Fishers.  The meal went so well, good food, good talk, and comfortable sitting at the table.  (I had put  2X4 boards under each of the table legs to make the table just a little taller so I could cross my legs under the table as I ate.)  We got some groceries at Hyvee.  At home the airbnb had left a cap for Bruce.  (It pays to ask.)  Around 5 I went to Odebolt nursing home and visited with Maryann and Paul as friends from the church sang Christmas carols.  Then to church for a soup supper and home to find Denny already in bed.  Lovely day!!  Lord, may Tyler grow to love and serve You.  Thank you for his life.  Tyler brings much joy to our lives.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Slow Saturday

Oh, my it was slow and wonderful.  I did very little.  After 4 the hose thawed and Denny rinsed off the Prius and the pickup.  Me, I did very little.  Nice day!!!!

Friday, December 20, 2019

JT day

Happy anniversary, Matt and Becky.  Seventeen years!!!
Up early and took the pickup to Cherokee.  It was a fun day.  Tyler took 2 good naps.  Jack was sweet and so helpful with his little brother.  I set table for Sunday gathering.   Jan came over for a quick visit.   At home Denny had a dermatology appointment and a haircut appointment.   Paint  2 guys from Yang candidate stayed in the airbnb Sat and Sunday nights.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Great day!

Coffee with Brenda
Study at Ginny’s
Laura for supper and lights

Wednesday December 18

Boy! a day that Denny had to rise and shine early for appointment.  I went in to OGT from 1-4.  Then we had Awana store night.  Sophi brought a gift for Jensens.  Rose and Reese challenged their grands to save and they would match the money saved so they could give a give to someone special this Christmas season.  Thanks, Johnsons!!!  Good day.  Lots to be thankful for!!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Denny has early appointments for several days.  Now that's a stretch.  I went to OGT and was so happy that Missy called while I was there.  Good to talk to her and catch up on her life.  In the afternoon I started to make 4 dozen cinnamon rolls to put in the freezer for Christmas.   Denny ran a trial run on the pork chops and onions he planned to make.  Well, the pork chops will not take as long as he did on this trial meal.  And the onions weren't as good as he hoped, so back to the drawing board.   Pictures from the past.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Basal and Ford movie

Headed to SC to remove basal cell by his left ear.  We shopped at HyVee and got a lot of groceries for Christmas family time.   We drove to Arthur and dropped off Awana store candy/pop.  At 6:45 we headed to the King Theater for the movie Ford vs Ferrari.  It was the one movie Denny really wanted to see.  Hurrah for free popcorn.  (That is IF you are not affected by popcorn hulls and you don't have diverticulitis.)   Sorry Denny...
Picture from the past.  Such a sweet couple.   The car belonged to Karen's grandfather.  And has been fixed by Dr. T.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Christmas program

Lovely morning.  I went to Alan T. SS class, then we had the children's Christmas program at church.  Cute Kids!! Great singing.  We drove Orchard avenue home and Alan T. got out of his car at the end of their driveway.  We stopped and he invited us to lunch.  Darlene had made a casserole, thinking Lisa and Alan would join them for lunch, but the Hendersons had to go to Denison after church.  It was a very sweet time of visiting. Luke and Rose also faceted me when I was there.   I'll need to thank Lisa and Alan for having to go to Denison. :)  Our airbnb'ers left and we cleaned the lower level so it is ready to go for the next guests.  Lovely day!!


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Thrift Kiwanis

I made a quick stop at Another Dose before going to pickup Judy, Quincy and Zariah.  We stopped at Dose then headed to Alta to the Olive branch.  Next to Storm Lake SOS and McD for lunch to eat on the way home.  (Bubba had a birthday party later today that they had to get back for.)   After I dropped them off I picked up some silver ware from Dose to take to Texas.  Denny and I headed to Kiwanis Christmas ball/fundraiser/primerib meal.  We sat with Goodenow, Reese and Rose, Paulsruds and Pastor's family.  Nice night.  I love small rural towns and their support of community activities.  Wow!! Amazing!!  Probably 300 people there.  Lots of donations!!  The fund raisers was for lights for the third ball diamond up on the sports complex.  A great facility for a small town.  We are so blessed!

Friday, December 13, 2019

JT day

I love being able to watch 2 Grands!!!  It was a fun day!! Both boys took long naps.  Mandy and Jason went to her clinic Christmas party, so I was able to give the boys baths.  Denny met airbnb guests.            

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Got my ring!!!

I slept in pretty well and headed to IG for a haircut by Hannah.  I made a short stop at Dose and then drove to Storm Lake to pick up my ring that was being repaired at Paxton.  It looks so pretty.  I stopped at SOS and picked up some bags to take to OGT.  Then I went to Teresa's for study and Elfriede's 94th birthday.  At home Denny was cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.  I fixed nacho chips for supper.   I didn't do the maintain weigh in this morning.  :)  Sorted. Greatest Faith president sos clothes for OGT.  I watched video of President Trump signing the anti-sematic???  letter.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Prius fix

Up for an appointment at Horn M.  Denny said he could go with me, but I said, "No.... not needed. "  I went to Rose's for coffee with Susan.  Nice visit!!  Then I drove to Carroll to get the Prius serviced.  I shopped a little before I met Laurie J. at McD to catch up on her trip to N. to see our kids.  I stopped home for a quick nap before going to Awana.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


I went to OGT to volunteer in the am and then about 25 of us went to the Pizza Hut for lunch.  Denny joined us for lunch and then went to the bank to visit.  I went home and did very little.  At night Denny and I just chilled.  Oh, My!!  Enjoying the Christmas tree.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Denny basal cell removal

Okay, it is hard for Denny to start the day early, but with the bad weather, it was good we started when we did.   It was blowing snow and low visibility, so after leaving with the  Prius we turned around and got the truck.  We arrived just in time for our 8 am appointment.  I was in the room when Dr. Chobra cut out the spot on his back.  After Denny got stitched up and given instructions we went shopping.   Pretty good shopping day.  I think we got 5 gifts for 6 stops. Farm F-1,  Lowes-1, Home D-1, Marshalls-0, Bomgaars-1, BBath&B-1,  Hurrah!  At home I wrapped gifts and Denny ordered a few more on line.   I went to a movie at the King, but wasn't thrilled with it so I went home and watched Netflicks.

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Up at 7:20 and I took Jack down to the continental breakfast.  Rose sleeps in until after 8:20.  Everyone was packing to head back to the real world.  We left about 11 and got home about 4.  It is so great to drive on highway 20 clear across the state.

Sorry, Jack.  Is it abuse to hold an unhappy boy for a quick picture?
Rose is thinking,"What's happening here?"

Saturday, December 7, 2019


I got Jack out of his pack and play and we went down for the continental breakfast.  So fun to share time with family as we ate together in the breakfast area. Craig was having a hard time getting any takers for Santa's role, and he said he would do it, but later he talked to Luke and Luke said he would do it.  So thankful for my son.  At 11 the food came to the room we reserved for Saturday's gathering.  I love to eat the big shrimp on ice and the cheese and fruit platters. About 1 Santa appeared.  He did a great solo job (without an elf) handing out presents to the kids.   What a guy!!  The "adult gift grab bag" began.  I came home with a pickle ball paddle.  Denny got a 20 pound box of peanuts with shells that he sold/gave to Keith.  Actually, Luke put a gift certificate and the "next Santa" award in a gift bag.  Maynard got the "gift" first, then in a weak moment Mandy (who was tending Jason's gift while he left for 4 minutes) chose Maynard's gift and Jason was scheduled to do the next years Santa.  Then after deliberation, Mandy plans to be a Mrs. Santa with Julie as the Elf.  We'll see, always stuff to look forward to next year.  After naps the 2 year olds went swimming with their dads.  We ordered Chinese for supper to be delivered to the big room for supper.  When the littles were going down for the night we watched them (ie. had the monitors in our room) and the 4 parents went to Diamond Jacks.

Interesting that as I am here in Dubuque with my extended family, I came upon this writing on family get-togethers:  Thank you, Jesus, for my family.
As a youngster I have vivid memories of being around my extended family. It was so meaningful to the older generation to sit around talking and spending time together. Seeing someone's child, the extension of your family, play and run with other family members was a joyful and celebrating occasion. It wasn't really something you had to plan and it just happened instinctively. Everyone is getting together at Aunt Jane's Saturday, bring potato salad. Uncle Fred is frying chicken. Family gatherings took precedence. 
The quaint cemetery that lies in the country where my grandparents grew up celebrates each third Sunday in May by decorating the gravesites and visiting with old friends and family. It was so important to my grandparents to be there every single year and it took priority over anything else. Everyone was required to look their best and be on time and be prepared to stay all day. Bring something to drink or a cooler for lunch because it was hot and you weren't leaving anytime soon. Old folks patted each other on the back and shook hands. They caught up on the family gossip and laughed with friends they graduated high school with some 50 years earlier. Colorful flowers were laid atop of headstones, people set on blankets with their picnics and shared memories and watermelon.
Now, if you drive by this same church cemetery on the third Sunday of May, you will see a car or two. The children's children will run by to lay some flowers out, stand there for a minute or two thinking about the past, then get back into their car and go about their day. This is no longer an event, it's an inconvenience and no one can be bothered. The people who cared so much are now resting and we can't take a few hours of our lives to continue this tradition and visit with one another while paying our respects.
Recently our family celebrated my grandmother's 90th birthday. Family from miles away traveled to my small hometown to visit with her, drop off a card and enjoy some food. This was the first time in many years that I saw many of my family members. My aunt continued to remark about how much she misses everyone and how we don't do this enough. But even with this being a milestone event as well as an opportunity to see family, many people did not make it. And to be honest, I was usually the one never there. Having lived hours away from home since I was 21 years old, I have missed more family gatherings than I have made. But this past one made me realize how much I am really missing.
Studying several faces and then realizing who I am looking at while saying hello with open arms is strange. I don't know them anymore. I found myself saying many times to people, "You probably saw on Facebook..." I had little to discuss. They know most about my life, husband and children. It took away from the importance of why we were together. We sat and enjoyed catching up with one another. People who always seemed so young now look old. Several people told me we should have a family reunion soon if only everyone wasn't so busy. But something tells me the people of my grandmother's generation were much busier yet still found time to visit with family. Family meant something back then. People understood the importance of visiting one another, of shaking hands and laughing. People understood that time was fleeting and those you care about most won't be here forever. Family was all you had.
Today we focus on our careers, raising our own kids, getting away when we can. Our extended family isn't the center it once was and if a reunion were to be planned, most wouldn't bother to come. Besides, we keep in touch on social media.
What we miss is the potato salad, the moments of laughter and sudden bursts of excitement when we hug someone we haven't laid eyes on in over 10 years. Sitting next to someone who makes up our childhood memories and remembering their smile from years ago that you haven't seen in person in a really long time. We are missing this. What we don't get that our grandparents did is that although the next get-together is always a year or so away, people aren't commodities and everyone has an expiration date.
I left my grandmother's party with a much better sense of who I am and where I came from. I laughed at jokes I heard (and told) and I got to spend time with people who contributed to who I am today. I had forgotten how good that feels. I had forgotten how much I love them and I was reminded of how much I am loved. That alone deserves more respect than "I will make the next one."
These days are flying by and my hope is that we stop being so focused on our own worlds and instead open the door to a family we have missed and that, by the way, really misses us too.

Also this post came from Four Seasons:
Just came from about the most unusual event you will ever see.  Our RV park does this every year.  Park residents buy toys and bikes and also bake cookies and pies and make quilts and blankets.  We have  a soup supper with leftovers from our park Thanksgiving dinner....ham and bean soup and turkey noodle soup.  Then the toys and food items are auctioned off.  The park residents "buy" the toys back at an auction and then the toys and the $$$ they were sold for all go to the Brownsville Police Department to distribute as Christmas gifts to needy children in the city.  I think there were 7 bikes donated and the average bike was sold for $100.00.  The pies and cookies were usually kept by the winning bidders but everything else was donated to "the kids".  I might post the total $$$ raised from the auction along with giving the bikes and probably 50 or more dolls, trucks, Barbies and etc.  Julie and I think we raised at least $4000.00.  Some of our park people also go to the police station and help distribute the toys.
I am looking forward to heading south to the warmer weather and our friends and activities in Texas. Last year I was one from the park who went and helped give out the gifts.  It was so generous, well organized, and the kids were so happy.  

Friday, December 6, 2019

Happy birthday, TJ!!!

Love you SO much TJ!  Wishing you God's best today and everyday of your life!!

Headed to Dubuque:
I didn’t sleep well with sleep tester machine last night, oh, well.  Denny and I went in for his appointment with Dr. Chobra.  He is scheduled to have the spot on his back removed Monday 8 am at the Dunes.   After that we drove and met Mandy in Holstein.  I started driving highway 20 across Iowa and Denny rode with Mandy and the boys.  We met Jason and Cook uncles in Webster City (as they returned from Tax school in Des Moines).  From there Jack rode with us and napped while we traveled the rest of the way to Dubuque.  Mandy, Jason, and Tyler stopped in Waterloo to shop.   We got to Grand Harbor at Dubuque about 3 and checked in.  Jessa, Jane and Keith came to our room and the little ones played.  Denny took a nap.  Mandy and Jason brought sandwiches for us.  Luke and Karen came to the motel after they had taken the car that Luke rented at the Minneapolis airport this afternoon (as he arrived back from Salt Lake City where he had been working since Tuesday).  Karen +2 came to IG Tuesday night. She has decided that Luke working away from Minneapolis 3-4 nights is a good reason for her+ 2 to visit IG.  That sure works out well for us.  Then Karen drove across Iowa on 20 instead of going to Minneapolis and picking up Luke and THEN driving to Dubuque.  Made sense to me.  They met and returned the car, ate supper and came to Grand Harbor.   Let's see how many Newhouse descendants are here.  Nancy-1, Craig&Marilyn-2, Susan-0, Betsy-5, Ben-5, Julie-4, Barb-0, Gail&Bruce-2, Scott-1, Todd-3. Brad-4, Faith&Denny-2, Matt-0, Missy-0, Luke-4, Mandy-4, Jean&Arlan-2, Katie-2, Christy-0, Beth-4, Keith&Jane-2, Justine-4, Nancy-2, Bruce-1, Maynard-1, = 55 of Maynard&Bernice.  Additionally Terry, Dobbin&MyrnaFaye-3, Gerry&Linda-2, = 60.  Thank you Jesus!!!   Could have been 82.  (Plus the 5 cousins)
For the first time the hotel put us all on the same (3rd) floor.  It worked great so we could visit in the hallway and not disturb other guests.  They also moved the check-in area to ground level and started a continental breakfast.  Both are appreciated improvements.  Luke reserved an extra room for the 2 year olds to sleep in.  Jack was in the bathroom and Rose slept on a mat on the floor.  I said I would take them as they woke up, just let me know.