Sunday, December 22, 2019

Dedicating Tyler to the Lord.

We left about 8:45 to head to Cherokee for Tyler's baptism.  Nice service and Jack and Addie helped.  Afterward we went to Mandy and Jason's for lunch.  So good to visit with the Cooks, Webster's and Fishers.  The meal went so well, good food, good talk, and comfortable sitting at the table.  (I had put  2X4 boards under each of the table legs to make the table just a little taller so I could cross my legs under the table as I ate.)  We got some groceries at Hyvee.  At home the airbnb had left a cap for Bruce.  (It pays to ask.)  Around 5 I went to Odebolt nursing home and visited with Maryann and Paul as friends from the church sang Christmas carols.  Then to church for a soup supper and home to find Denny already in bed.  Lovely day!!  Lord, may Tyler grow to love and serve You.  Thank you for his life.  Tyler brings much joy to our lives.

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