Monday, December 9, 2019

Denny basal cell removal

Okay, it is hard for Denny to start the day early, but with the bad weather, it was good we started when we did.   It was blowing snow and low visibility, so after leaving with the  Prius we turned around and got the truck.  We arrived just in time for our 8 am appointment.  I was in the room when Dr. Chobra cut out the spot on his back.  After Denny got stitched up and given instructions we went shopping.   Pretty good shopping day.  I think we got 5 gifts for 6 stops. Farm F-1,  Lowes-1, Home D-1, Marshalls-0, Bomgaars-1, BBath&B-1,  Hurrah!  At home I wrapped gifts and Denny ordered a few more on line.   I went to a movie at the King, but wasn't thrilled with it so I went home and watched Netflicks.

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