Thursday, December 26, 2019

December 26

A slow wonderful morning.  I fixed biscuits and gravy.  The families started gathering gear and packing up to leave. Rose's gift from Jensens came and she took at bath with Bathtime Anabel.    She and I played outside while Lincoln had his lunch.  Luke and troop were the last to leave and got to take home stuff from the refridge.  Sour cream, thyme, OJ, and anything else I could talk him into.  The rest went in the trash.  After everyone had left Denny and I started cleaning, washing bedding, making beds, vacuuming, and packing.  It looked pretty good when we were done.  We got showers taken by 7 pm and then we headed to Savannah.  We got there about 11, visited little with Haley, Torren and Matt and headed to bed.  

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