Thursday, December 26, 2019

December 25

Merry Christmas!!!  We are blessed by the birth of our Savior and the love of our family.  We are missing the Jensens immensely.  Lord, be with them and keep them safe!!  I got up and started warming the cinnamon rolls.  Boys and little ones were awake first.  Coffee from Matt's family was ready.  Great start to the day.  Denny had spent time at the sunroom table last week looking up  Luke and New Testament scripture to read this morning.  So many wonderful gifts for all the family!!!  Fun to open and share.   We ate scrambled eggs and Tiefentaler  bacon, juice, cream cheese coffee cake, pastry for breakfast.  Naps, playing with new stuff, and visiting filled the afternoon.  About 6 Denny started the pork chops and I got party potatoes, onion casserole, and bag salad. ready.   After eating more visiting and watching, changing little ones.  It worded well to visit on the patio furniture in the garage.  

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