Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Help at World Center Kitchen

Up at 4:30 to take Jean to airport with Nancy.  Gail and I emptied out Real's trailer after we got back to then park.  I had devotions in the hammock.  At 9:30 I walked to Sally's to ride with her to the Methodist church to help do meal prep for those seeking alsylum  on other side of the river.   We got done about 2.  Denny was playing shuffle board all morning.  Nancy and I went to get seafood for supper.  So good.   Kathy goes to Omaha tomorrow, so they came for a visit and Gail and Bruce came over too.  Sally told me about a ladies 4 ay trip that 11 gals from the park are going to Fredrcksburg, Texas.  They could add one more and so I went to Sally's place where we went on line to get a ticket for the shuttle.  Looks like I am going.

 Sisters Sally, Nancy, and Linda
 Sister in laws Nel and Janet
 Neither of their sisters could be here.  Aline and Donna
 Sisters Karen and LeAnn
 Sister in Laws Kathy and Joyce

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