Monday, March 23, 2020

Home in B'ville

Relaxing morning.  I took 2 chairs to Leann's site to watch concrete drying (one for her and one for me).  My ranunculus are sending out small buds and I was tickled to see those buds.  In the afternoon we cleaned out cupboards and then went to the pool to relax.   After I received an encouraging text from Julie, I sent out a text to Kathy, Susan and Teresa and another group text to my SS class to keep daily cyber contact and encouragement for such a time as this.  After we came back from the pool we continued to clean, it is so good to get extra cleaning and purging done.   Condo resident Cyndy came for a visit at 8.  She leaves tomorrow and I invited her to chill on our deck at 8 as an incentive to getting her work done and then chill.  Lord, I pray for our country.  We are encouraged after listing to the President answer questions from the news force. 

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