Thursday, October 15, 2020

Cherokee fun!!!

 I headed north around 6:45.  SO good to visit with Mandy before she heads to work.  I did leave around 8 and took Denny's package to the post office.  When Mandy left Tyler was wanting to be outside, so I hunted for coats, hats, mittens and bundles them up.  AND me.  I get such a kick out of those boys.  Jack wanted to haul leaves with Jeep and pull behind wagon.  We went to get the machinery and left Tyler (in full view of us) by the swing set near a pile of leaves.  Tyler watched us go and then began the toddling steps thru the leaves to join us.  What a worker he is!  We spent the next 2 hours outside, with leaves, trails, rides in wagon. in the chicken house, sandpile, When we went in at 11:40 to eat, Tyler voiced his disappointment.  The boys like outside. When Jason left after lunch the boys went down about 1 and took a long nap.  I napped too.  Jan came about 3:30 and we visited then decided to get the Grands up at 4.  I headed for home about 5:30.  And tried to listen to BOTH the town halls.  Uffda!!! Denny got home about 7:45.  

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