Saturday, October 3, 2020

Love Saturday

 Denny once again drove tractor.  Putting in 13 hours.   When Brooks came upstairs we made bars.  They turned out better than the last, but still not farmer's market worthy.  Not sure what I am doing wrong.  I think it might be the cheaper flour I used.  Uffda!!   I don't really remember what I did.   TJ broke his arm playing football.  Uffda!!!   A classmate of Haley's caught this fish in their lake.  Mandy posted this  TEDs on facebook.  So Good.  May God continue to use you.  

Mandy's  post:

As most know - I’m nurse practitioner at an FQHC in Storm Lake, Iowa. Through my role I have had the unique opportunity to care for and develop relationships with people whose lives, upbringing, and struggles are much different than mine - immigrants & refugees, individuals who don’t speak my language, who don’t look like me, and many who were not born on the same blessed soil that I was. 

At times I have truly been shook by their struggles & suffering - and it has started a long process of acknowledging and dismantling my own white privilege and what that all even means. 

Yes. There are certainly issues that need to be addressed with immigration reform in order to make it structured, fair, and just - but I wish more people could have opportunities to get to know (and ❤️) people who think and look different than they do and who haven’t had equal opportunities.

More than anything politically related to the left vs right - I just wish you could have opportunities to sit next to these amazing people, know their children, see their work ethic, hear their stories, their struggles, and their fears.

And if you did, I can assure you that you would find ways to be more compassionate, be more mindful of your greater community, and begin to look for ways to diversify your current prospective. 

All this said - this movement simply starts by ‘doing the best you can, with what you have, right where you are now.’

Basically - get registered & VOTE. Please.

(Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Good day!)

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