Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Surf fishing with Bransons

 Up for devo and straightening.  Pickle ball at 8.   Then home to wait for Bransons to pick us up to go to SPI.  We didn't get their texts and so we just waited until they came about 11.  We went to the northern most tip of SPI.  It is about 26 miles up the coast and we got there about 1.  We looked around and then headed back south a few miles and set up our "fishing camp".  So fun.  Brad and Joyce had all the supplies: fishing poles, hooks, bait, chairs, coolers, grill, wind umbrellas, pasta salad, drinks, brats, buns,  Brad got all the poles set and we just sat down.  We asked him what was next, he said just wait until a poles starts bending.  I said," Like that one???"  That was the start: 3 red drums, 3 hard heads and one shark.  The guys caught and released all of the fish.   Denny spent most of the night making videos of fishing/shark catching.  


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Looking forward to Launch!!!


Up for devo and straightening.  Pickleball at 8, Denny was still in bed.   OOOPs!  At pickle ball there was a thundering rumbling noise off to the east.   And yes the rocket did go off and exploded before it landed.  We missed it.  oh, well, such is life!!!  I picked up Terry and we went to Texas Thrift.  Later Denny and I got 5 gallons of water, filled the car with gas, got cash, a full LP tank, and sprayed and wiped off the car.  at 4, Pickle ball Ron, Bennetts, and Bransons came for burgers.  Such a fun night! An alligator was in the rasaca and so we went to the dock and watched it.  Then we watched the birds make a nest.  Such a life.  Many laughs about how we are lucky to be able to make craft ice now that we are retired.  Thank, Renae, for the laughs.  Another great day in the Valley.




Monday, March 29, 2021

Dan and Roberta's party

 The morning was a little drizzly, but we could play pickle ball at 8.  Denny started cleaning the cupboards until we heard that Dan and Bert were down in the community building and so we decided to head down there to see if we could help at all.  It was fun to set up flags etc and taste test.  At one others came to set up the tables/chairs.  We headed back home until the get together at 3:30.  Nice time listening to the music of Two Bad Apples, dancing, talking and eating GREAT food!!!  Thanks, Dan and Bert!!  About sunset we walked to Nel and Mikes to visit out on their patio.  Beautiful night.  Fun Day!!  Pictures of Grands posted.  Cute Tyler and my 2 out of 3 cute Grand daughters.  

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday and the misplaced Covid Card

Up, straighten, listen to DAB in bed.  I love the quiet of the morning.  It is an anchor to my life.   We picked up Joyce and Brad for church.  They usually go to Port Isabelle Fishers of Men with Gail and Bruce.  With Gail and Bruce gone Bransons are joining us for church this Sunday and next Sunday.  After church Hagas invited us to join them at eat at Olive Garden.  It ended up there were 17.  14 around one circle table and 3 others on a table close by.  Nice visiting with them all.  I had fixed chocolate chip dough before church and after we got back to the park, Bransons came over for cookies  as dessert.  Well, long story short ... we got to talking about covid shot ... Denny was stressing that we need to keep the card in a safe place ...  Of course, I couldn't locate mine ... UFFDA!!!  I vaguely remember cleaning out my billfold in the past couple days ... seeing a reminder for covid second shot and thinking "I don't need that any more ... I can toss it out ... and so I did."  UFFDA!!  Well, I looked a couple places while Joyce and Brad were here ... no luck ...   

After they left Denny texted me this text ... and I went on the trash hunt ... LO AND BEHOLD  there it was in the bottom half of the kitchen trash bag.   Luckily, I have been putting the coffee grinds out on a rose plant by the car port for the last 2 mornings.  (Those grounds would have been nasty to dig thru.)  Thank you, Jesus. 

 Denny definitely thinks it's a struggle ... accepting Faith exactly the way she is ... in the here and now!!!  Uffda!!        My first thought was to put a picture of my card on this blog ... but NOPE ... not doing that.    If you were planning to get my card information and use it to my detriment ... I got advised ... NOOOOOO!!!!     So it's not happening!!!!   Just cause I think that anyone who has the time/interest to read this blog virtually has NO LIFE!!!  You all are out of luck!!!  'NUFF SAID.

Watched a movie, Power of the Air.  I found it on you tube ... searching Christian movies.  It was very convicting.  Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.  Lord, help me.  

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Here at 4 Seasons

Listened to DAB in bed.  Coffee and donuts outside by pool.  I played pickle ball for about 2 hours after that.  Denny had started cleaning/sorting shed.  Good day for that.   From there we went to the pool for about an hour, then back to clean the pantry.  I used bright plastic purchase to hopefully organize shelves with baking stuff.  Then we enjoyed the deck and watched a movie before going to bed.   We watched Me & You, Us. Forever.  We found it on you tube.  Searching Christian movies.


Friday, March 26, 2021

Gail and Bruce leave for home

 Up at 5 for devo, laptop, and making coffee.  

I played pickle ball with Gail, Sandy, Bill, Joyce, Brad and Paul.  I took a quick shower and left for downtown with Kathy, Mary Kay, Joanna, and Vickie.   We shopped and ate lunch.  When we got home Denny and I went to SPI to see if then launch would go off.  Nice afternoon.  No GO on SN 11 launch.   Vickie and her husband Ron followed us to SPI.  Kinda funny!  The evening on the deck was beautiful and we invited Bill, Sandy, Joyce, Brad and Gloria over to enjoy.  Nothing special, just hanging out on a beautiful evening.   

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Port of Brownsville tour

Up for devo, coffee, looking on the computer, and straightening up the kitchen.   We picked up Reals to go to the Port of Brownsville boat tour/ shrimp boil.  Karen W. had arranged it.  I think there were 43 from the park.  The microphone was broke and so not really any information presented,  That was discouraging.  We went to the Bad Apple campsite to chill afterwards and then we went to SPI B to have appetizers.  When we got home we went to the hot tub for a while.  Then watched a movie .. Extraordinary.  I found it on you tube ... searching Christian movies.  I was pretty happy to buy an old sewing machine on line for the bunk house coffee bar when it gets finished.  Nice day!!




Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Quick trip to Walmart

I was up for devo and then took a quick trip to Walmart to get some floral dry foam for eucalyptus arrangements.  It was foggy and spitting with the rain.  Probably should have waited until the sun came up.  I made a couple of wrong turns, but got there and back okay.  I was hoping to play pickleball from 8-11, but the rain canceled those plans.   I started to put together 5 vases/glasses for friends.  Denny and Bill worked on Sharon P's crank out windows.   I finished vases and played pickle ball for a couple hours.      

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


I ate some scrambled eggs before we headed to Progresso with Gail driving Joyce, Mert, and me.   The guys rode together.   We shopped, got our toes done, and ate at Arturos.  Fun day!!   Denny and I rode home with Gail and Bruce.  We spent the evening watching a movie,  A Matter of Faith.  I found it on you tube ... Search Christian movies. 


Monday, March 22, 2021

To the beach.... To the beach ....

 Up for devo and then I lay down on the sofa.  Uffda!!  I got up to play pickleball at 8.  Missy made my day by calling and visiting about 9 am.  After that we rode to the beach with Bill and Kathy.  Fun day!!

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sea King

Slow morning. Coffee and computer.   Church.   Extraordinary movie.  Sea ranch with John and Donna,Les and Julie, Dave and Joanna, Joyce, Brad and Bob.  Great fish, pretty place ,   Good company 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Fun with pickle ball people

 Yoga at Brownsville farmers market.  Mert, Joyce, Kathy rode with me to Wild August FM.  Home by noon.  Read a book.  At one helped Gail get ready for pickle ball party.  2:30 played pickle ball.  AT 4:40 about 22 came for get together at Bruce and Gails.  I had an amazing day!!!

May be last day of golf.

I didn't sleep well last night.  Awake at 6.  Hot tub with Gail.  Devo.  We left for BGC at 8:10.    Dan was my partner.  Gail played with Ron S.  The first round we shot and then our partner shot our ball, then we shot the shot they made. When we got to the green we putted the same ball.  It was a fun day.  At home Denny had rode with Bill looking for stuff to fix.  We watched Garage Squad before eating stir fried pork and rice on the deck.  

Thursday, March 18, 2021

It was another top of the morning.

I played pickle ball at 8:30, then 3 couples joined us for a brunch.  Bill and Kathy, Bill and Sandy, and Bob and Jean from Albia.  Bob and Jean have a big garden and can a lot of their tomatoes, etc.   I baked dutch oven bread and graham cracker muffins,  Denny fixed scrambled eggs and bacon.  Everything was so good.  They stayed and we visited until 2.  Denny and I loaded the dishwasher and went to the pool.  Then naps, supper on the deck and finish the evening with Zimmerman BB.   Great day.  

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Top of the morning to you!!!

Up and devo.  I went with Mert to Texas Thrift for St Pat 50% off sale.  I bought 2 kitchen towels and a  cotton dress.   Mert and I both needed water so we went on a water run.  When I got home Denny and I loaded the car with all the stuff for the turtle races and took them down to Spring street about 2.   Nice afternoon.  Two Bad Apples played.  It was so windy they moved the stage into Lee's driveway.  I think there was about 80-100 people watching and visiting.  Some danced on the street.  The turtle races went okay during the break time of the music.  Great sandwiches.  Smoke pulled pork.  It was a fun time before many headed back home.  


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Golfing with the girls

 Gail and I went to Texas Thrift at 9.  Then golfing at 10:40.  Fun morning golfing with Gail, Joyce, Mert and Carol.  We got a birdie on hole 5 and had to send Louise a text with the birdie dance.  Before heading home we stopped at C&C for super nachos.   Back at the park, I went to Kathy's and worked on the outside wall greenery containers. Joyce came over and visited, too.  Great phone call with kids in evening.  

Monday, March 15, 2021

Happy Birthday Jason!!!

We love to see you with our two "little guy Grands".  May God bless you your whole life!!!  You bring smiles to all those around.  Thanks for marrying our daughter.

I was up and went to the hot tub with Gail.  The rest of the morning was gray and damp,  We just stayed in the trailer and worked on a turtle race movie.  At 2 pickle ball.  At 4 visit to Sally's.  Fun time.  Linda's grandson, Sammy was there.  We heard from Nicki that Keelie is doing very well.