Sunday, March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday and the misplaced Covid Card

Up, straighten, listen to DAB in bed.  I love the quiet of the morning.  It is an anchor to my life.   We picked up Joyce and Brad for church.  They usually go to Port Isabelle Fishers of Men with Gail and Bruce.  With Gail and Bruce gone Bransons are joining us for church this Sunday and next Sunday.  After church Hagas invited us to join them at eat at Olive Garden.  It ended up there were 17.  14 around one circle table and 3 others on a table close by.  Nice visiting with them all.  I had fixed chocolate chip dough before church and after we got back to the park, Bransons came over for cookies  as dessert.  Well, long story short ... we got to talking about covid shot ... Denny was stressing that we need to keep the card in a safe place ...  Of course, I couldn't locate mine ... UFFDA!!!  I vaguely remember cleaning out my billfold in the past couple days ... seeing a reminder for covid second shot and thinking "I don't need that any more ... I can toss it out ... and so I did."  UFFDA!!  Well, I looked a couple places while Joyce and Brad were here ... no luck ...   

After they left Denny texted me this text ... and I went on the trash hunt ... LO AND BEHOLD  there it was in the bottom half of the kitchen trash bag.   Luckily, I have been putting the coffee grinds out on a rose plant by the car port for the last 2 mornings.  (Those grounds would have been nasty to dig thru.)  Thank you, Jesus. 

 Denny definitely thinks it's a struggle ... accepting Faith exactly the way she is ... in the here and now!!!  Uffda!!        My first thought was to put a picture of my card on this blog ... but NOPE ... not doing that.    If you were planning to get my card information and use it to my detriment ... I got advised ... NOOOOOO!!!!     So it's not happening!!!!   Just cause I think that anyone who has the time/interest to read this blog virtually has NO LIFE!!!  You all are out of luck!!!  'NUFF SAID.

Watched a movie, Power of the Air.  I found it on you tube ... searching Christian movies.  It was very convicting.  Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.  Lord, help me.  

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