Friday, March 12, 2021

Mcallen trip

I went to hot tub with Gail.  Great start to the day.  At 9 Kathy picked me up.  She had a shower head to return to Costco.  So off we went.   Bill called just as we left the park and said Walmart had covid shots available.  We headed back to the park and off to Walmart we went!!!!  I waited in the car less than an hour and we were off to McAllen.  Shopped at Costco, ate at JK Chang, and shopped at Hobby Lobby for artificial plant for her deck wall containers.  We stopped at Wild Augusts on the way home.  Beautiful flowers even if they did get the cold freeze.  I got back by 4 to play pickleball and then Denny and I chilled and ate the chinese leftovers.  Super day!!!

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