Thursday, March 11, 2021

4pm at Bransons

Last night I was up pretty late coloring for IF yearly paper.  This am I was up and walking the park with Gail before going to the hot tub.  Pickleball at 8:30.  Looks like a beautiful day.  Denny grilled me a hamburger that I ate after pickleball.   I asked Denny about trimming the tree behind the deck.  Uffda!!!  Not a good idea... for some unknown to me reason.  We did trim the tree early afternoon.  Lots of big parts of BIG branch limbs.  We walked around the park to invite 14 people to a Pork butt smoking on Saturday afternoon.  Most of them are from Michigan and relation of Gloria's. It should be fun.  I made spinach dip and started cowboy caviar.  Denny made hummus.  There was a nice bunch of people at Bransons.  I came home to watch the Zimmerman BB game.  I love seeing the games on video.  

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