Tuesday, November 30, 2021

To the beach

I played pickleball at 8:30.  Then came home to clean and pack.  We had line dance at 10.  Around noon I went to the pool and listened to my book as I sat and enjoyed the sun.  I came back to lie in my hammock before I put it back in the shed.  Around 2:30 I rode with Hendersons to SPI.  There Bruce rode his bike, and Gail and I shopped.  We filled a bag at one thrift store for 1/3 off, (with some hassles.   Gail dropped me off at the beach and she went to join Terri, Dan, Fay and Jerry at  Sunset.  They were listening to Leslie who was singing there.  I enjoyed the beach and waves for a while and then walked from the beach and as I walked I talked to Denny on the phone.  When I got to the wharf I took a couple pictures of the birds, then stopped by the bar and ordered a hamburger and drink.  I noticed something on the floor where I was standing and picked it up.  Uffda!!  I told the bartender I found some $ and if anyone asks about losing money, send that person to me.  The bartender said he would and if no one asked, the money was mine!!  I said "It's a lot of money!"  He said that he saw that $100 bill.  Well, I put the wad of bills in my fanny pack with out counting the number of bills and waited for a while by the bar ... no one asked.  UFFDA!!  What do I do??   Lots of questions were running thru my mind as I sat with the others and ate my hamburger.  Finally, we left the place and headed home.  I counted the bills while I rode home with Gail and Bruce.   I gave one of the bills - $100 to Gail.  I thank God for unforeseen gifts.  NOTE TO SELF:  The money you find on the ground may be more than a lucky penny.   Note to self: If I carry a wad of bills, make sure I know where I put them. Note to self: Dropping the wad on the floor is NOT a good thing to do.  Note to self:  Never fail to look down.  You may be super surprised what you find.   I went home happy that I had gone to SPI and all of the circumstances that made me some richer. :)   We played Joker at 7 at Fay's where she had a chocolate charcuterie board with M&Ms and Lindor candies.  I was in bed by 9:30.  Another good day in the Valley!!


Monday November 29

I read devo on the deck.  Pickleball at 8.  Shopping at 11.  At 2 Kathy had countertop gal there.  Deck for a while.  Karen's  To bed early.  Up at 1 hungry.   

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sun YEA!! Fun day

Got up and made sunshine sauce with hard boiled eggs that Gail had fixed in the hot pot.  I gave some to Gail.  I rode to church with Nancy.  Fay brought over some soup for me to try.  I shared some sugar pecans with her.  Gail invited me to supper at 5 and we'll play pool at 6.  It turned from cool and cloudy to cool and sunny, so I set up the hammock and spent some afternoon hours, just chilling.  *gottaluvtexas:)


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Time with Reals

Up for devo and yoga.  It was Gail and I who went to yoga.  One of the booths had beautiful cupcakes and I got one for Kathy.   When we got back I stopped by the office and Tammy notarized the fax that Denny sent so he could get $ from Principal for the new pick up.   Next pickle ball and then I stopped at Kathy and Bill's.  So pretty there.  Denny is moving patio furniture to then garage and then heading to Goldsmiths for BBQ ribs.  I went to Reals about  4.  Gail invited me to go to C&C wings with them, Shelly, Glen, Terri and Danny. I stopped by to visit with Fay before heading to bed,



Friday, November 26, 2021


It was a great day for leftovers.  I started with toast and turkey before we went thrifting.  Gail, Mert and I went to Texas Thrift, we thought it started at 6, but it started at 7.  I didn't get anything ... just looked.  At the park we finished putting the latest puzzle together.  I looked at Imemories and sent some clips to friends, Ann P, Mary Jo H.    


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

 Up and devo on the deck before pickleball at 8.  Kathy gave me a ride at 11 to take food to the hall.  Deviled eggs, sliced kettle bread .  Last week I finished the book"To Heaven and Back". I thought it was a very good book, we don't know what God has planned for our eternity, but if this book describes a glimpse of it, it sounds amazing.  Now that's a reason to give thanks!  Denny spent the day at Cooks in Cherokee. I played pool with Tom, Bruce and Gail,  played pony tail, and then worked on the current puzzle. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Full day

I set my alarm for 645 and at 7:30 we left to go play golf.  We played a 9 hole scramble, Mark P and Dan H were on my team.  We shot 1 over par that the other team shot 2 under.  When we got back to the park and decorated the table for 16 friends tomorrow.   I went to lunch with 10 other gals after decorating.  We ate at Pier 19 and had great food.  Oh, my, the coconut  shrimp was SO good.  Back at the park I boiled eggs for tomorrow and made cake salad.  Denny looked at the 2 pickups in Odebolt.  


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Headed to the beach

After I had devo on the deck I ordered lisianthus and snapdragons from Gro n Sell.  Lord, guide these plans.  Also guide the plans that Denny is considering in regards to a different truck.   Gail gave me this cute glass ornament and as I hung it up ... Uffda!!.  Yup, I dropped it and part of it broke.  At 10 I went to line dancing, then after that I drove east.  It was fun to walk thru shops in Port Isabel.  Then off to SPI Island, I walked thru about 4 stores before heading to the beach.  I just enjoy being out in the sun, sand, and watching the waves.  I stayed til about 4:30 when I went to Pirates landing for Taco Tuesday.  It was so good!!!  Danny and Two delivered the Cadillac chair for Denny  When I talked to Denny he said that Larson's got done with harvest and Curtis brought out cinnamon rolls.  We got a text from Mandy, it is always so good to get updates on the kids.  Denny is headed to Cherokee for Thanksgiving.  

Monday, November 22, 2021


Rainy, chilly, day.  Pickle ball time will not be until 2pm.  I started making kettle bread and sent Joyce a picture.  I rode with Kathy to HEB while she picked up anniversary cake for the karaoke at 4.   I had a nice call with Denny in the middle of the gathering in the hall.  He is still working with Larsons.  At night I played pony tail.  


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Wonderful day Thanks

 I picked up the house and got ready to ride with Linda to church at 10.  After church Gal and Mert met me and we went to 77 Flea Market.  As I was walking I saw a Mrs. Claus costume, texted Mandy,  and got it for her.  I hadn't thought I would spend much, but I ended up getting $4 of vegetables, Mandy's costume, and a gift for Denny.   At home I worked on the blog on the deck.   Gail and Bruce came over for pizza before playing pool.  

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Great way to start a day!!

 I was up and listening to Of Mice and Men before getting a phone call from Jean and going with Gail and Vicki to yoga at the Farmer's market.  It was beautiful!!  New instructor today.  Christi  Last week was Tonya.  The week before it was Nicole.  They all tell us we do good.  I guess they are surprised that us oldies can move at all:)  We played pickle ball until 11 and then I went to church and helped pack up all the garage sale left overs to send to a small Mexican church.  At home  I set up the hammock and read outside by the rasaca.   

Friday, November 19, 2021

Happy 18th birthday HALEY!!!!

Haley, you brought joy to all of us when you were born.  It will be so fun to see how God leads you as you grow closer to Him and as you enter adulthood.  Thanks for growing into all God made you to be. 

I listened to the book on engrams and finished it today while I put a jigsaw puzzle together in the card building, that got water damage yesterday because of the heavy rain and leaky roof that they have been working on for a long time.  At 8 Gail, Mert, and I went to the church's garage sale.  Gail was feeling pretty bad about the water damage on the hard cover books in our library.   Hopefully they will get it fixed soon.  I stopped at Church's for chicken for lunch, after I had gone back to church to help.  Lord, guide and keep each of us as we walk each day thru the challenged of this day.  I'm headed to the game room for dominoes tonight.    

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Set up for sale

Kinda awake after 3 ... listen to book.  It rained quite steadily, making a mess for Gail and her screened in area because the rain had no where to run off.  I headed to church to set up for the sale tomorrow.  It was a full afternoon.  I came home and Lee came over, then we went to see Linda's new home.  I went to supper with Gail, Finches, James, Vicki, Mark P. Mert and me.   Wonderful food and time together.  I had a great call with Denny.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Brunch on the deck

I slept until 6...  Yea!!!  then started some kettle bread.  I texted Noe and he said I could absolutely pick some roses.  Yea!!  11 gals came for brunch.  I got to use the pretty dishes that were Lee's.  Yea!!   Everyone brought food and it was breezy enough so we didn't get too hot sitting on the deck.  We visited out there for a while and then picked up our plates, went thru the kitchen and got our food, and then ate in the car port.  People left about 1:30 and I went to church to help sort.  When I got home Gail and I went to yoga.  It was so pretty with the lights in the trees.  Nice phone call with Mandy and then Denny.  

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Painting the dock

 Up and first trip of the season to HEB.   I needed coffee for tomorrow morning.  Coffee and  devo on the deck.  Line dancing.  High pressure spray the dock and plastic chairs.  Home Depot.  Alligator.  The concert was TOO loud and we left before intermission.   

Monday, November 15, 2021


 Another beautiful morning on deck for devo.  Pickleball at 8.  Fay and Jerry drove Gail, Bruce and me to Mexico.  We got pedicures and ate at Arturos.  Before we came to the park we went to DQ.  YUM!!  I hemmed a table cloth while talking to Denny while he was driving the tractor moving stock bales.  At 7 I played pony tail.  Nice day in the valley.  Danny worked on repairing the dock while we were in Mexico.  

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Church and Broken sprocket and pool and pool

I was happy to remember that I can listen to Candlewood at 9:15 before I go to church at 10 with Nancy.  The sermon was on stress and I ws thinking that I really don't have any stress these days.   BUT I had made plans to meet Gail and Bruce at 11:45 at 4 seasons when we got home from church .... AND at 11:35 Pastor was still going strong.  I was feeling stressed.  So I used what pastor had given thanks for earlier in the service and texted them that if they were feeling stressed they could pick me up at church.   Problem solved.  They got there and we took the 5 minute drive to Broken sprocket where we listened to music and ate from food trucks.  Nice noon.  No stress ....  At home I read by the pool, then at 6 I played pool with Gail, Bruce, Fay, Jerry and Tom.  I called Denny after that.   I stayed at the card room and worked on a jigsaw puzzle.  Denny said he had NEVER known me to work on puzzles.  YUP!!! I have reached a whole new level on having nothing to do.   GOTTA LOVE TEXAS LIFE, no stress.  :)

Don’t feel sorry for or fear for your kids because the world they are going to grow up in is not what it used to be.
God created them and called them for the exact moment in time that they’re in. Their life wasn’t a coincidence or an accident.
Raise them up to know the power they walk in as children of God.
Train them up in the authority of His Word.
Teach them to walk in faith knowing that God is in control.
Empower them to know they can change the world.
Don’t teach them to be fearful and disheartened by the state of the world but hopeful that they can do something about it.
Every person in all of history has been placed in the time that they were in because of God’s sovereign plan.
He knew Daniel could handle the lions den. 
He knew David could handle Goliath.
He knew Esther could handle Haman.
He knew Peter could handle persecution.
He knows that your child can handle whatever challenge they face in their life. He created them specifically for it!
Don’t be scared for your children, but be honored that God chose YOU to parent the generation that is facing the biggest challenges of our lifetime.
Rise up to the challenge.
Raise Daniels, Davids, Esthers and Peters!
God isn’t scratching His head wondering what He’s going to do with this mess of a world.
He has an army He’s raising up to drive back the darkness and make Him known all over the earth.
Don’t let your fear steal the greatness God placed in them. I know it’s hard to imagine them as anything besides our sweet little babies, and we just want to protect them from anything that could ever be hard on them, but they were born for such a time as this.
~Alex Cravens


Saturday, November 13, 2021


 Gail drove Vicki and me to yoga at the farmer's market.  Wonderful day.  We had a family phone call at 9.  Back at the park we p played pickle ball until 10:30, then Gail and I went to Winter Haven garage sales.  Home to read and nap.  At 4-7 I helped at church sort thru garage sale items.  At home I called Denny.  He is looking to buy a pickup.  Lord, grant us wisdom.  

Friday, November 12, 2021

Wow What a morning!!

 It is beautiful out on the deck this am.  I painted the signs for church trash/treasure sale this am.  line dance, salad lunch, 4:30 Brownsville Historical tasting

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thank you veterans!!! My dad, Maynard N. My brother, Craig N. My Brother in Law, Bruce H. and my niece Betsy H.

 I was up early and had devo on the deck.  At 6 Gail and I went to Walmart for a few groceries.  Then at 7 we went to Texas Thrift for 50% off.  I bought a cute dress and a tablecloth/shower curtain.  We got to pickleball a little late, but Don and Leann joined us.  I had kept Lois's chocolate cookies in my refrigerator and so I arranged them on a plate for the lunch.  The service for Veteran's day was so nice, The flags were raised, poems were read and we had a nice lunch of maid rites, baked beans and cookies.  I went to check Reals' floor progress, then to Karen's carport for an afternoon of visiting.  Around 5 Mert got to the park.  After unpacking Gail and I took her to C&C.  Oh, wow! a large nachos, and booming onion was a LOT to eat ... so good ... So full.  I went to play pony tail and I ended the day putting the deer puzzle together.  

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

lunch on the beach

It was beautiful having devo on the deck  At 8 I went to play  pIckleball.  Then at 9:45 I headed to Church to help sort thru donations for the garage sale.  I visited with David a maintaence guy at church.  At 12:30 I went with Nancy, Sharon, Leean and Linda to Cafe on the beach.  Karen, Sally, Roberta, and Lee. I watched tv and went to the hot tub with Gail.  I worked on the park puzzle then back home.  Denny spent the morning moving hay bales.  After it rained he went to get groceries in IG.  


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Getting ready for Veterans day

Up and devo.  I helped Gail clean library books, put the puzzle together and listened to my Libby book  Then line dancing in the hall.  We decorated for Veterans Day on Thursday.   In the afternoon I listened to the Libby and  did nothing.    

Monday, November 8, 2021

Spraying boards

 Up and devo, pickleball at 8, Stopped at Kay's, Stopped at Reals's, Home to spray dock boards. Wayne and Kay stopped to look at the tree stump.  I read at the pool for about an hour.  Pony tail cards at 7. 

Your firstborn will never grow as fast as the day when you bring home your second born.
When you hug them goodbye before leaving for the hospital, your firstborn is a baby still. They’ll feel so small and fragile in your arms. Your little baby.
But then you come home with your tiny newborn second child and all of a sudden your firstborn has turned into a giant.
A proper kid. Their baby features has washed away over night. In comparison with their sibling, they are absolutely enormous.
Towering over your newborn, all clumsy limbs and with fingers that poke too hard.
“Be careful with the baby! No don’t do that! Shhhh the baby is sleeping!” You’ll say to your little giant.
In comparison with their sibling, they don’t seem so fragile or small or in need of you any longer.
In comparison to your newborn, they seem so self sufficient and strong.
It’s easy to forget that they need you just as much as before.
Yes, they may be able to get their own drink and eat by themselves.
Yes, they can (and insist) on putting on their own clothes and shoes.
But they need your attention and love and reassurance more than ever.
They are still very much your baby, in toddler form.
They are still fragile. A different kind of fragile, but fragile nevertheless.
I forget that sometimes. Expecting my eldest to be older and wiser than she is, because she is not the baby her little sister is.
But sometimes I get a little reminder.
She’ll say something or do something.
And I’ll realise just how much she needs me after all.
Even if she is not my little baby any longer.