Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Brunch on the deck

I slept until 6...  Yea!!!  then started some kettle bread.  I texted Noe and he said I could absolutely pick some roses.  Yea!!  11 gals came for brunch.  I got to use the pretty dishes that were Lee's.  Yea!!   Everyone brought food and it was breezy enough so we didn't get too hot sitting on the deck.  We visited out there for a while and then picked up our plates, went thru the kitchen and got our food, and then ate in the car port.  People left about 1:30 and I went to church to help sort.  When I got home Gail and I went to yoga.  It was so pretty with the lights in the trees.  Nice phone call with Mandy and then Denny.  

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