Tuesday, November 30, 2021

To the beach

I played pickleball at 8:30.  Then came home to clean and pack.  We had line dance at 10.  Around noon I went to the pool and listened to my book as I sat and enjoyed the sun.  I came back to lie in my hammock before I put it back in the shed.  Around 2:30 I rode with Hendersons to SPI.  There Bruce rode his bike, and Gail and I shopped.  We filled a bag at one thrift store for 1/3 off, (with some hassles.   Gail dropped me off at the beach and she went to join Terri, Dan, Fay and Jerry at  Sunset.  They were listening to Leslie who was singing there.  I enjoyed the beach and waves for a while and then walked from the beach and as I walked I talked to Denny on the phone.  When I got to the wharf I took a couple pictures of the birds, then stopped by the bar and ordered a hamburger and drink.  I noticed something on the floor where I was standing and picked it up.  Uffda!!  I told the bartender I found some $ and if anyone asks about losing money, send that person to me.  The bartender said he would and if no one asked, the money was mine!!  I said "It's a lot of money!"  He said that he saw that $100 bill.  Well, I put the wad of bills in my fanny pack with out counting the number of bills and waited for a while by the bar ... no one asked.  UFFDA!!  What do I do??   Lots of questions were running thru my mind as I sat with the others and ate my hamburger.  Finally, we left the place and headed home.  I counted the bills while I rode home with Gail and Bruce.   I gave one of the bills - $100 to Gail.  I thank God for unforeseen gifts.  NOTE TO SELF:  The money you find on the ground may be more than a lucky penny.   Note to self: If I carry a wad of bills, make sure I know where I put them. Note to self: Dropping the wad on the floor is NOT a good thing to do.  Note to self:  Never fail to look down.  You may be super surprised what you find.   I went home happy that I had gone to SPI and all of the circumstances that made me some richer. :)   We played Joker at 7 at Fay's where she had a chocolate charcuterie board with M&Ms and Lindor candies.  I was in bed by 9:30.  Another good day in the Valley!!


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