Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Heading north

 Alarm went off at 5.  All checked in and waiting in Gate 4 by 5:30.  EXCEPT the knives from the silverware that Lee gave me. They had serrated edges, were buried deep in my carry-on suitcase, and were not allowed to travel with me.  Now that was a mess unpacking the China dishes wrapped in clothing and bubble wrap. Kindly  Gail turned around and came back to pick them up.  Liz from TSA took them out to her so Gail didn't have to park the car, she just waited and the kind lady took them to Gail.    Good start to the day:)  Headed to Houston and then Omaha by 1 pm.  Denny stopped at a couple tractor stores to look for little Christmas tractors, but no luck.  Then we decided to go to Tefentalers for the Dubuque gift exchange.  I napped at home and then we went to Awana.  Full day

Hay bales, sunsets and ocean birds......

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