Sunday, December 5, 2021

Saturday December 4 in Dubuque

 Up and down to breakfast area.  Jack joined me around 6:30.  The area was filled with family.  The boys sat so nicely with me while Jason went out for a run.  Mandy wasn't feeling the best, she spent most of the day in the hotel room.  Swimming for all others from 9-11.  I visited in the platinum room that our family rented for the day.   At 11 the food came.  At 12:45 Santa, Granny Claus and the elf appeared with gifts for the kids.  (It took 2 of us to replace Mandy's turn as Mrs. Santa.    Then charcuterie boards were the hit at the children,  Fun time, but missing the Henderson jokesters.  I love this weekend to reacquaint myself with the lives of siblings, children, nieces, nephews, and all the Grands.   So much to be thankful for.  We ordered pizza and swam before it came for supper.  


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