Sunday, December 12, 2021

Just rocking on the porch

 I love all the families in our little Arthur Free church.  That's one thing I miss in the church we go to in Texas.  There are maybe only 2-5 families with kids.  And the kids go to SS while we are in church, so we don't see/hear/smile at them during the service.   It is SO good to see all the kids on Wednesday nights and during Sunday school and church.  The youth group served soup for lunch before our annual meeting.  The meeting was so encouraging with the importance placed on sharing the gospel with the community.  At home we chilled, literally on the porch.  I shared some ideas ... I told him those ideas don't have to be done this afternoon, tomorrow, this week or next week.  Just ideas.  I put bon a clear glossy layer of enamel on the blue bunk house door.  Luke called saying that he was going to pull the trigger on plane tickets from Feb 11-Feb. 20 to Brownsville.  Now that put a smile on my face.   These pictures put a smile on my face, too.  :)

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