Friday, December 24, 2021

Covid strikes Z Johnsons

 Bummer!!! Matt's family hadn't been feeling the best this week and so on the way down to Iowa they stopped to take a covid test.  One of them tested positive and so they turned around and went home.  Sad, but true and perhaps the way of life during these times.  I think it's good be thankful for the good things that we're got!!  On the plus side of life ...  We have the hope of seeing them when they are on the healthy.  AND They do not appear to be in too much danger/health wise.  After one of Dad's breakfasts we took the 4 littles to see the "Cars"cars by Denison.  Kids played outside quite a bit after getting home.  Naps took most of the afternoon and after naps I got out some craft stuff for Rose only to discover it was almost time for Church Christmas Eve Service.  I always like that evening service.  It's so pretty with the candlelight.  Lincoln did better with playing (jumping off stairs/chairs) the basement with his dad than sitting still with candles.   We had soup after we got home, but didn't eat it in the coop. 


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