Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Fun day

Good night's sleep.   I went to OGT, but  I left the car at Carlyle to get the tires rotated, aligned and balanced.  Such a nice visit with the guy who gave me a ride to OGT.  It made my day.  After OGT we went to the bowling alley for lunch.  Great to visit with those nice folks who volunteer at OGT.   Denny had come to town for a haircut.  At home he was washing his new pickup.  I napped, Denny took the pickup into the machine shed to polish.  Later we fixed meat for zuppa, meat for Mexican dip, party potatoes, salad for supper, tilapia for supper, and tartar sauce.  Such a good strar to getting things ready for the time when the kids will be here.   Nice texts with Mandy this morning.  Looking forward to having these 4 grands in Texas in February at the same time.  Always something to look forward to.  

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