Friday, December 3, 2021

East to Dubuque

 I love to spell Dubuque .... lots of constants with 3 u's.  The boys were awake about 5:30 so I went in to lie with them for about an hour until we got up.  Denny made breakfast and they played so nicely, sharing toys, moving chairs (working together). Denny was outside getting acquainted with his new truck.  We left for Dubuque.  Tyler was asleep before we left Arthur.  Jack was asleep about an hour into the ride.  The truck travels pretty smoothly.  We made plans to stop to see Pat and Dureen on the ride home Sunday.  I worked on putting some pictures together on PicArt.   Jensens are part of the Nutcracker production for KISC.  It makes this Gma's heart sad to have them so far away, but my heart is encouraged and challenged by their first Friday letter.  Lord, Thanks for equipping and leading them in N.  May Your will be done.  We plan to get to Dubuque about 3 ish.  Matt & Kane are riding with Luke's family.  Cooks are coming after work.   It should be a fun weekend with the Newhouse crew (minus Gail and the Hendersons and some others).

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