Friday, December 17, 2021

Pickleball and pack

I sent a video clip from DAB to the family adults on the Micah text that Jensens had on a batiked Nepal picture.  At 9 I headed to IG for pickleball.  There were 9 of us.  Fun!! Denny was cleaning and packing tools when I got home.  I sorted thru my top drawers a little and napped.  I am really liking the book that I am listening to.  We sat in sunroom and scheduled out our life!!!  for next week.  So funny.  Wonderful night to chill in the sunroom.  Bill B. from the park shared a picture on FB how the band director was right between him and his granddaughter so you couldn't see Scarlet, so I thought I would share our life with a couple of pictures:)


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