Monday, December 6, 2021

Happy 15th Birthday TJ!!

We are wishing you the best birthday ever!!!  As you get older we are thankful for the character and caring heart that you show to everyone.  Have a great birthday, TJ!!!

Missy started a zoom call a before 7 to see some of the videos from the Nutcracker production.  It was so fun to see the little clips.  Denny went to work for Larson's but the tractor hoses weren't hooked up right and so he came home.  I played pickleball from 9 - 11. then went to check the car tire and get $ from First state to pay for Dubuque stay.  I had texted Jeff M. and bought an old medicine cabinet from home.  I think it will be pretty cool in the bunk house.  We wrapped Christmas gifts after lunch.  Denny went to Denison to do some shopping and I brought in the metal storage unit to clean and paint.  At night there was a home school mom's Christmas dinner. 



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