Thursday, December 23, 2021

SO fun

 Our big plan for the day was to wash the car in IG.   No pickleball, so Marilynn was going to drop off a book for Denny which was going to be my Christmas present for him.    I was thinking I could hide it from him, but it didn't work t that way.  Oh, well.  We just pet getting stuff ready for the time with the kids.  Mandy and family came about 5.  They had texted us earlier and said they would come around 5, but why don't we wait to eat until about 6:30 .   Well, there was a reason for that request.  Luke and Karen came to the farm!!!! about 5:30.  They had told me they were coming Friday morning.  Such a great surprise.    Denny and I had cleaned the floor of 3 closets, so we made sleeping areas for Jack, Tyler (in our bedroom) and Rose (in the purple bedroom).  Lincon slept int eh laundry room and the basement was left open for Zimmerman Johnsons coming Friday.  We had a Grand visit in sunroom after littles had been put to bed.  SO good to spend time with family.  

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