Sunday, February 13, 2022

Gladys Porter Zoo

What a fun day.  We  leisurely had breakfast and got ready to head to the Gladys Porter Zoo.  Denny and I bought a grandparents pass where you can go to reciprocating zoos for a free or reduced price with your grandkids.    I think it will be a good thing.  It would have cost $140 for us to go regular price and with buying the pass we spent about the same but we can use it this next week with R&L here and the St Psul Zoo and the Omaha Zoo for the next year.  Naps at home and for supper Denny smoked a pork butt.  YUM!!!!  Interesting watching Super bowl out on the chilly deck, but more than ok.  At night we played Mandy;'s game and went to the hot tub when Grands were put to bed.  There were 8 of us there Bruce and Meg, L&K, D&F, M&J.  Fun!!! Gotta love all the gifts that God blesses us with. 

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