Friday, February 25, 2022

Happy birthday to me!!!

 I got up and had devo and coffee at Gails's before going to pickleball at Fun N Sun with Gail, Bruce and Bruce.   We played until noon.  When we got back Denny was in his shorts, lying on the bed, just resting.  I grabbed and extra coat and headed to the chilly beach.  Denny sat with me for about a half an hour as I ate stuffed mushrooms, guacamole, and listened to the book, Aftermath  by Terri Blackstock.  God citing:  After Denny went to sit in the car with the heater running I was pretty much alone on the beach listing to my book.  There was one gal walking into the wind.  She walked past me heading north and then again some time later walking with the wind heading south.  She stopped and we visited.  Of, course she was from Minnesota.  We go to talking and she told me about a couple Bible studies.  Cultivating Holy Beauty by Jesse North and a men's study Every Man  Warrior.  T'was good to visit with her.  She was from Hibbings Minn. and her name was Sunny J.  Thank you Jesus for encouragement of meeting another Christian.   When I had finished listening to the book Denny stopped so I could walk thru 2 thrift stores.  Then we left to eat at Los Tortulos.   Kathy, Bill, Bruce, Gail,  Meg, and Bruce joined us there.  Great food.   We stopped to see Reals new counter top before heading home.  Nice phone calls from all my kids today.  Thank you, Jesus for my 71 years.  

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