Saturday, February 5, 2022

Sock Hop

 It was chilly in the am.  I went to help the Finchers in the hall with breakfast.  At 8:30 I left and Gail and I went to the garage sale at their church.  I bought 4 folding chairs for the trailer, some toys with wheels, 4 boogie boards, 2 chair pads for littles to sleep on, some blue glasses, and black higher heeled shoes with sequins.  I made kettle bread with yeast that Bruce got.  Denny cleaned the house while we were gone.  Bruce and Meg came after golf and we visited on the deck.  Joyce texted and invited us for nilguy stew before the socks hop.  I took over the kettle bead and it was a nice treat before the dance.  A fun night.  Lots of decorations.  Lots of fun dancing.  Lots of games and pictures. 


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