Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Pork chops and Mountain Highway

 Fun Full day   I put away some stuff (toys, bedding, child's floor mattress,  from family visit.  Denny and I went to HEB for a pork roast to smoke.  Plus other...At 2 we headed to Sandy,Bill,Bob and Jeans for a 2-22-22 gathering on 222'sday.  Fun bunch of people.  I went back to trailer to preheat oven for roasted vegetables and get the pork chops out.  Fay and I made a quick run to store for Pepsi and Chinnet plates.  At trailer we got ready for pork chops from Nueskib for 9 (cause Branson's needed a reminder that didn't come:)  Great meal Nancy planned chops, pretzel, roasted veggies, ice cream cups with toppings. Apple spinach salad.   We headed to the Hall for a great night of blue grass entertainment.  The Mountain Highway family.  3 sisters and a brother.  Neat story.  The family had always attended blue grass concerts 'cause Joe and Trish (parents) enjoyed the music.  About 5 years ago they were at a concert where (instead of a petting zoo) the concert planners gave children the opportunity to try to play different instrument. The children were Victoria 15, Jack 14, Emily 13 and Rebecca 11.  They liked it and begged Dad for instruments.  At first they all wanted to play guitar, but Dad said it would be more interesting and fun if they played different instruments.  He challenged them if they could borrow/find instruments for each of them and by themselves figure out how to play a song with all 4 instruments that he could recognize, He would fund acquiring permanent instruments.   He thought his challenge would not be met, but the kids DID it.  They have just been playing 5 years,  For the first year the girls took you tube/online lessons everyday for an hour.   Jack has not had any lessons and plays really well.  Fun to watch them.  Reals invited them to their fire pit after the park concert.  God citing:  I went to the fire pit and waited with the rest of friends.  When the family came the chair next to me was empty and the dad sat down.  We were visiting about him phoning his wife and how easy communication is these days.  I said "Yes, I had a great visit with my daughter who is in Katmandu."  His wife Trish has been in K. when her dad helped with Missions.   I had a really good visit.  He went to a seminary, worked for non profits, missions etc.   It was encouraging to see how God has lead each step their family band has taken.  Young talented family.   God is Good,  All the time.


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