Sunday, October 16, 2022

Full Day * 6 77 * StarBase *Boca Chica South and North

Well, during the night I thought that Julie and I are both early risers and perhaps we could go early to Flea market 77 before church.   So after devo's we headed north.  Lots to look at there!!   My sandals were falling apart as we walked around ... so I looked.  Sure enough there was a cute pair on Sketchers for $23  (perhaps a little small) ... but then I did find a pair of plastic flats for $7.  So I didn't have to walk slowly any more.  We shopped and left for church.  We got there in time.  After church (actually we left about 11:40 when we thought the service should be over) we went back to the park.  About 1 we rode to Boca Chica beach with Brad and Joyce.  It was so fun, Brad drove us from the Rio Grand to the Jetties.  At home we had a great phone call with Denny before we headed to the pool/hot tub.  He had visited with Sherry and Sam after church and then drained the water lines and poured RV antifreeze in the pea traps of the out buildings and was next "setting to" fix some poppers.  Great night. 

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