Monday, October 17, 2022

PB Stay at the park

Up for devo   Good news.  Last night we turned Nancy's mattress around and she slept LOTS better last night.  Her watch said 61/2 hours, so that's good.  Julie and I  went to play PB.  We stopped by Fay's but she was gone.  I went to church to sort thru donations.  In the afternoon it started to rain, and so we didn't go out to eat, but decided just to have poppers at 407.  T'was nice watching the rain ... in trailer ... on deck ... under car port.   At 5 Paul and Melissa drove Leane and me to play  PB at the BVille center.  I kinda hurt my ankle and the small of my back.  As I was talking to Denny I went down to the hot tub.  That helped a lot!!  Another good day in the Valley.  

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