Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Head to Texas *1Pirates Landing

UP and at 'em.  We picked up Julie and left for airport at 8.  Denny headed back to farm after he dropped us off about 10.  We got settled for the wait to when our plane would leave for Dallas at 3:45.  I walked around the terminal and noticed that there was a flight to Dallas at 11:15 ... so  I checked with Julie, she was up for me checking to switch flights.   YES!!! It was a go.  We hurried thru TSA and got on the plane. We couldn't believe it!!! When we landed in Dallas it was at Gate A5.  There was less than an hour until our next plane departed for Brownsville.  I was busy reviewing in my mind how to get to the tran to go to another gate, but HURRAH!!! our departure was from GATE FOUR!!!! SO close.  We landed in Brownsville at 4!!!! We were scheduled to take off from Omaha at 3:45 AND HERE WE WERE LANDING IN BROWNSVILLE!!!  Joyce and Brad were there.  We drove right to Pirates landing and had street tacos for supper.  YUM!!!  Then we came home.  Actually I couldn't put my hands on the trailer key and so I walked to Bills, got his key, and he gave me a ride back.  We had a drink on patio.  Bransons had gotten a sweet, kind gift for us.  Bananas, strawberries, and grapes, Sunflower bouquet, Banana bread. 


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