Saturday, October 22, 2022

*11 yoga-*Farmers market-*zoo

 Waking at 6:30. Devo. Left for yoga at 7:30 and picked up Leann.  It was a beautiful morning.  It's so pretty to ie on your back and look up at the tree branches.  We had a bite to eat at the FM and then went to the zoo.  T'was great to walk around and see.  I picked up my 13 free tickets to the Boo at the Zoo.  We chilled after we got home and then I went to church to help box up left over garage sale stuff.  I gave my tickets to a family who was helping at the church.  I visited with Marie and Bertha about going to Island Baptist.  At home we had guacamole and Scrambled eggs.  

This looks like a fun place to have a birthday party!!!

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