Sunday, March 26, 2023


We watched Pastor Dave at 9:15.   It ws a fun day planning and setting up for the party.   I napped and about 1 I went to Kathy's and we put together the succulent pot.  They turned out nice and Kathy brought them over for the snack table at 4.  On the way home from Kathy's I stopped at Bransons and pick some bougainvillea for the table.  Meg, Sandy,Bill and We ate at 5.  28 of us!! It turned out so fun.  Good music and fun people.  We had 3 tables set on the deck. We put the food that friends brought for potluck in the kitchen.  I set a card table on each side of the kitchen table to hold all of the food.  Friends walked into the kitchen, filled their plates and out to sit on the deck.  

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