Saturday, March 18, 2023

Riding shot gun to Progresso

 I got up and texted Fay that I would ride shot gun, if she wanted me to go along, as she went to get dental work done.  We left about 8.  When we stopped at a gas station so Fay could get some cash, she was getting out of the car while it was rolling backward.  We laughed a lot about that.  lWe got to the dentist at 9.  It was a busy place.  The dentist decided that they didn't need to pull her tooth.  They took an impression and we went back and about 3 hours later she got the new bridge.  In the mean time we shopped at El Disco.  She got a bottle for Ashley to give to her boss.  I got some z packs and 4 bottles of vanilla.  We stopped at 77 Market to get some mangos so Fay could make Jimmy mango salsa.   Fay saw a bench she needed and we were off to get furniture again.  It will go great with the heavy table and chairs in her tiki hut.  We had help unlading it. At home Denny had started to get tax info ready.  We worked on it together until I took a nap.  I was so happy to get seeds in soil blocks to fill up the under bed totes.  It was a cold rainy windy day today.  I planted morning glories, sweet peas, cosmos and some bouquet marigolds. I put them on the refrigerator, a warm place in the house.  I'm so glad to get that job done.  Lord, help them sprout and grow for my garden.



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