Thursday, March 2, 2023

Bruce left

T'was another good day.  Pickleball 9-10.   Bruce headed north about 9.  At home Denny looked into selling the Jeep.  He emailed several dealers and texted Luke.  At 5 I ate leftover chef salad,  I ordered some seeds from Park Seeds: Bells of Ireland, eucalyptus, blue salvia, sweet pea seeds.  Kinda Hangry supper.

🍪 Your children’s personal history will always include anecdotal commentary on you, your choices, your habits, your moods and priorities. "My mom would always.. (fill in the blank here)"  🍪 What do you want to have "always" been like when your children are grown? When you are just a memory being passed on? She was "always on her phone" "always obsessing about her diet" "always singing in the kitchen" "always stressed" "always put our snacks on napkins" "always reading cookbooks" "always made dinner and set the table" "always complaining" "always feeling sorry for herself" 🍪 Memories do not set out to flatter us. My own children say that mom "always stopped at that one dumpster to get things out of it." It was a cute table and we still have it. I stand by that decision, but it has cost me dearly. 🤣🍪 Here's the thing: we want to give our children an enormous stockpile of memories that reflect real Christian glory. The joy of the Lord. A forgiving spirit. A lover of the Word. A warm meal. A woman who feared the Lord. A woman who loved her home, her people, her work. A woman who did hard things gladly. A woman who looked generations ahead in faith, and generations behind in gratitude.  🍪 There aren't filters on what your children see of you at home, and you can't pick what they will remember, cropping out the background. You can't throw a warm glow on that and fool them. What they will see of your faith they will see unfiltered. They will remember what life was actually like- what you were like. 🍪 Are we LIVING like what we say we believe is actually TRUE? Kids won't need your curated photos to remember. Moms can use social media to fool themselves and their friends about how they are doing. If it can look good, it must be ok - but that’s not true, and your kids won’t be fooled!🍪 Love God, Hate Sin. Do it in real life, unfiltered. Tell the truth to your children. Tell it in your everyday life, like an everyday mom who loves God.  Don’t aspire to moments that look good, but to a life that declares in a million ways that you know and love God. That, no matter your foibles, will be a beautiful legacy.#iwillneverlivedownmydayofdumpsterdiving

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