Thursday, November 30, 2023

The bake Shop

 I was up and had devo, cut up squash and got it baking, and started to get the tinsel trees organized.  I need some silver paint/tape/ paper.  I left for The bake shop to meet Sherry at 9:30.  Then I shopped at Walmart and the Thrift store.  Bible study was at Sue's and then I went to Doses.  At home I worked on painting the poles for the tinsel trees.  We watched tv and I strung up tree lights after Denny went to bed.  

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

PB Awana

I went to play PB until noon.  Denny was down measuring the car.  I sorted the corsage tub in the basement stairway closet.  We went to Awana.  Bradley C. brought me 2  bracelets and 3 pieces of candy.  What a sweet gift!  Dear Lord, Please work in each of these children's lives.  Rachel gave an amazing talk about 3 lost stories.  

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


I headed to OGT.  I worked a while and then went to the dentist.  Denny was there waiting for me.  He had dropped off the RAV and Jason gave him a ride.  I went to get a flu shot net door  Denny ws at the dentist. I walked across the street and Peg got me in early for a bone density scan.  I walked down to the Dr office.  We drove to Lewis drug and got our RSV shot.  I dropped off Denny at Carlyle and went to work at the OGT until noon.  We went to Bagenstass to get meat for Dubuque Christmas.  In the afternoon we invited Angela and Austin for supper.  Fun to visit with them and see their wedding pictures.  Good day.  Shoot em up!!

Monday, November 27, 2023

PB, order gifts,

I was up way too late last night working on collages.  
Slow morning. I played PB 8-11.  Denny made thank you cards, fixed the vacuum,  I put G'ma Johnsons dishes into the angle cupboard in the basement.  I brought in squash from CSA. Hopefully it isn't frozen. We had pizza and watched tv at night. 2 DUMB shows, uffda!!   

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Relationship with Jesus, relax, rest

 Nice slow morning.  I love the body of believers that are at Arthur.   SS class with Kathi J as leader is so encouraging.  Thank you Jesus for their prayer support and caring attitudes.  I had a sweet visit with Brenda after church and visited with Josiah alittle.  Lord, I just seek the center of your will.  I made squash soup for later in the afternoon and caught up on my blog.  TJ saw my instagram from football game and liked it.  Lord, continue to guide.   It is hard to deal with all that has gone on this week.  Usually I like to put collages together, but it is hard for me.   

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Snow for Saturday

 Finish 50th Snapfish book.   Uffda!!! I worked on it.  Meanwhile Denny cleaned airbnb, worked outside, in machine shed.  He ordered his car cover Christmas present.  (Got that done)  We started ordering Christmas presents as the suggestions and links come in.  

Friday, November 24, 2023


I really don't know what I did on this day.  Probably just relaxed.  

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

SO thankful to God for everything.   It was a wonderful slow day.  I made kettle bread, and 2 batches of onion dill buns, and banana muffins to take to Goodenows.  We went there about 3.  It was so nice and relaxing to catch up with the Goodenow lives.  AND the food was amazing.  Thank you Susan and Gordon.  At home we watched tv and headed to bed.  Nice Day!! We have SO much to be thankful for.  

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

At home kinda

The airbnbers left early morning and we started to clean.  I did go in to play pickleball and Denny did go in for a haircut and to see about new tires for the Rav 4.  I got the washable carpets ready and mowed/chopped up the leaves with the mower done after I came back from IG.    I was out of flour and so I went to IG again about 5, but didn't stay for the movie. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Christine Amelia Schrum

 I got up and went to for coffee in the breakfast area of the motel,  Keith, Jane, Nancy, Nancy J. Betsy, Julie, Cooks and we were all staying at the same motel.   Denny and I had a hard time getting Nancy's compression socks on.  It was a wonderful service.  All Newhouse cousins there except Missy, Barbara, and Maynard.  All of my siblings wee there.  About 25 Walmart employees.  It was a good service.  Lots of pretty music. Beth did a great job on her talk.  Violin, Choir, Congregation singing.  The church and community are really supporting Schrums during this difficult time.  We took the flowers to Schrums before heading home.  So sad, but everyone was coping.  

Matt texted this to Missy: "Having Mickey Mouse ears on the pall bearers was a hit. Music was SOOOO good: violin, piano, choir, etc. They took Christy out of the church to "When you wish upon a star." 

Monday, November 20, 2023

Christy's visitation

Up for devo and getting ready to head to Indianola.  We loaded and left about 9:45.  I texted kids questions and update on flowers/ memorial for Christy.  Lord, please be with Jean, Arlen, Katie and family, Beth and family and all of us grieving Christy's death.  May You be the source of everything needed.   By the time we got to Indianola I really needed to use the lady's room.  Thank you Jesus  Katie was going into HyVee as Denny stopped to let me out  I got a Minnie balloon, We took the flowers to funeral home. Then we went to Adam's for walking tacos.  We stopped at Schrums for a pecan roll before we went to check into the motel.  At 4 we went to funeral home.  A lot of people  came thru to express their condolences.  A lot of Wal-Mart personelle.   Back to Schrums for some sandwiches and then to the motel for the night.  Mandy, Jason, Justine and Nancy visited in our room.  Matt rode down to Indianola with Luke and Karen, he spent the night in the other Queen bed in our room, and is riding home with Cooks where Hirshmans will come and get him tomorrow at Cherokee.   


Sunday, November 19, 2023

Happy Birthday Haley!!!

Happy, Happy, Happy Day for you , Haley!!   What a great thing to run 20 miles on your 20th birthday.  Coongrats on finishing the route.  Great verse to go with you on your birthday and life.  Hebrews 12:1-3  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.   Hope your day was great!  It looked fun.  And Rose quietly said she thought 20 was "really old."


We took 2 cars to church house because both of us were headed to  IG.  Denny to wash  his pickup.  Me to shop little at IG Chamber shopping for Christmas.  I came home and put flowers together for Christy.  We went to the Ingathring at church.  It is always so encouraging. Thank you, Lord for all Your blessings.  

Saturday, November 18, 2023


 I listened to DAB in bed and then went out to see Schrums.   Arlen and I went to Christy's place to get the (velcros like)  mat for the cloth carpets I am taking home to use for winter in the garage.  Beth came down about 10 and I went with them to Hyvee to pick out flowers for Christy.  Katie had gone on a Boy Scout hike with Everett and then joined them at HyVee.   At noon the met with the Pastor to discuss the service.  Jean and girls went to a movie with Aileen and Everett at 1.  I headed home stopping at Trader Joes for flowers for Christy.  Cassidy L. was there getting flowers for her daughter who is playing clarinet in the allstate concert tonight.  I stopped at Carolle  and got home about 6.  Denny had worked for Larson's all day.  Lots to talk about, good to be home.  Keelie is snuggling in the garage. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

At Indianola

We moved kinda slowly in the am.  Denny headed to work, I left for Indianola about 9:30 and got there around 12:30.  Arlen and the girls had been at Christy's condo.  There was a lot of clothes that got washed in the laundromat.  The sorted, folded and delivered them to a Helping Hands store.   The family went to the funeral home and met with the director and the pastor.  At night we went to Katie's and Adam's for a pasta supper.  Good food. Relaxed time with the family.  

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Home and Cherokee

Nice to sleep in our own bed.  Worked on cleaning the airbnb. and getting ready for guests.  I planted 160 daffodils, now that was work.    Uffda!!  Headed to IG and then Cherokee.  I picked up Jack at school, then Tyler at daycare.  We went to Family Table and ordered fresh fries and later ice cream.  We sorted, identified, and talked about coins.   It's a start.  I headed home and texted Jean about me coming to sit with her tomorrow.  

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Heading home

 Brad left to go biking and we met the group at Hang 10 for lunch.  I took a box of leftover BLT and fries to the airport.  We chilled at their place for a while and then they took us to the airport.  It's 3:15 and were sitting here waiting for the 6:30 flight to Charlotte then the flight to Omaha.  Getting there about midnight. We really had a nice visit with them.  

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Christy Aneursim book club

This afternoon I got a call from Jean sharing something she never thought she would be doing.  Katie had told Jean that she hadn't heard for Christy for a while and so Jean and Arlan went over there.  They found Christy on the living room floor.  The flighted her to Mercy in Des Moines which is close and where Katie is a Pharmacist.  Around 7 Jean had a group call with 6/7 siblings to say they determined that Christy had (something like) an aneurysm.  It would do no good to life flight to Iowa City hospitals,  she would be a vegetable and loved ones did not feel that would be what Christy would want... so it is just a matter of time.  Some time her sister Beth had made contact with Mandy and told Mandy that Christy was an organ donor and it would be 48 hours.  Beth shared," It's only fitting that Christy's last gesture of life would be so selfless, loving and generous ... That's just who she was ..."  

     Lord, we would pray for a miracle.  For peace for family and friends.  For wisdom for family and medical staff.  For your perfect will to be done.  This is hard, Lord.

We had a lovely slow morning.  We had gotten braunswager at Harris Teeter, so I browned some with toast for breakfast along with Mexican coffee.  Brad drove us to downtown and had some ice cream.  At home I cut up some deli sandwiches and got out chips for an easy lunch in the most used room in the house ... the sunroom.   Joyce and I went to Book club, The Authenticity project.  Denny and Brad got burgers for supper.   We came home to get the package of Brad's Tux for a cruise.  So cute!!!

Monday, November 13, 2023

Pickleball and walk the beach

Great day!!!   We were up about 8  for coffee then headed to pickleball.  We came back for breakfast. Brad drove to walk the beach. (1 1/2 miles).  We had appetizers at pier and then drove to get groceries.  At 4 Joyce had pickleball ladder, then at 6 ladies pball.  Brad and grilled hamburgers and he and Denny made poppers.  I went to bed.  The Broncos won! 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

To Wilmington

 We were up at 4  and rode with Graham and Laura to the JAX airport.  We were early for our flight to Charlotte, but it would have been tough to fit all of us in the Audi, and a Uber would have been pricey.    When we got to Charlotte, we had an hour layover.    Bransons picked us up at the nice Wilmington Airport  and drove us to their lovely home in Del Web.  Joyce had a great beef roast meal for us.  I headed to bed early .... Tired and not feeling the best.  

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Thank you Veterans!!!

 Thanks Dad, Craig Bruce and Betsy and the millions of other veterans.  

I started the day with walking on the sunrise on the beach  Our beach house was closer than the house to the road.  They fixed us breakfast at 10.  Sheryl is known for her biscuits and gravy.  They did not disappoint.  Denny fried bacon.  I squeezed free orange juice for those who wanted it.  Kim did not want it made ahead.  The sisters tried to play dominoes, but it seemed to get waylaid with fine food and hair.  About 3 Denny and Gary started to grill burgers, Kim had made her mom's potato salad.  Around 6 we drove to the rooftop venue where the wedding reception was being held.  Beautiful venue.  We rode home in the small Audie.  The bride Miya and Karl looked amazing.  There were cool copper cups, the night was very short.  

Friday, November 10, 2023

On our way to Jacksonville!

Up for devo and getting the house ready to leave for a few days.  We headed to the airport at 9.  We were sitting and waiting at gate 6 by 11:30.   The flight left at 2 to Charlotte.  Linda and Dean were there to take the flight to Jacksonville, Fl.  During the flights I just looked at pictures from times gone by.  SO fun!! Gary met us at the airport, we drove to the beach rental and were treated to our own little apartment, one of a 7 bedroom, 4 bath, 2 story rental about 1/2 block from the beach that will house Gary's siblings (3) and Kims siblings (3) and spouses.    I hope to be up to enjoy the sunrise tomorrow morning.  So I better get to bed now.  

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Cherokee nails

We were both up.  Denny's last day of driving a tractor for a few days.  The airbnb guest got locked out while she was letting her dogs wande. so I helped her get in.  I straighened up the house, started the dishwasher, put in a load of wash, loaded Keelie's stuff in the Prius and headed to Cherokee.  The downstairs airbnb dog was barking and barking.  Uffda!! I got Keelie settled at Cooks and napped and waited for my appointment. My nails look beautiful after Tessa got done with them.  I picked up the boys at daycare and we went to Jan's for a quick visit.  I used lawyers pad to write info for the dog keepers, paying them $1 per feeding twice a day.  Denny's little stressed about heading to Florida.  He finished up discing, Conwell said they can use him again when he gets home.  I drove to Brenda's brothers visitation, and stayed to the service because I got there so late.   I was glad I stayed a visited a little with Brenda, Gert, Brandi after the service.  I called when I left Wall Lake and Denny had steaks ready when I got home.  Great meal.  Arugula salad, green beans and onions, steak, poppers.  YUM!  We headed to bed tired.   Love that smile missing 2 front teeth.  Mandy sent the picture of the boys tucking Keelie in before bed.  (They can earn 25 cents by giving Keelie loves.)