Saturday, November 18, 2023


 I listened to DAB in bed and then went out to see Schrums.   Arlen and I went to Christy's place to get the (velcros like)  mat for the cloth carpets I am taking home to use for winter in the garage.  Beth came down about 10 and I went with them to Hyvee to pick out flowers for Christy.  Katie had gone on a Boy Scout hike with Everett and then joined them at HyVee.   At noon the met with the Pastor to discuss the service.  Jean and girls went to a movie with Aileen and Everett at 1.  I headed home stopping at Trader Joes for flowers for Christy.  Cassidy L. was there getting flowers for her daughter who is playing clarinet in the allstate concert tonight.  I stopped at Carolle  and got home about 6.  Denny had worked for Larson's all day.  Lots to talk about, good to be home.  Keelie is snuggling in the garage. 

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