Saturday, November 4, 2023

I'm tired

 Up at 6.  Cooks were up.  Feeding boys and dog.  They left about 8.  Denny left about the same time.  We left about 8:30 for rec center.  The boys " played independently" for money in the nice toy room as I played with others well for no money.  It was fun to play with Tim, Renea, Dave, John .  So fun and boys enjoyed their time.  We looked around down town and then came home for chicken nuggets and a trip to the tractor where Denny was chisel plowing  We walked a long way thru rough ground.  They rode with Denny for about 30 minutes as I waited in the car for them.  AT home we put together the pickleball net and they played for about 10 minutes We were busy all after noon.  vacuuming up dirt that Piper had spilled, making strawberry lemonade, cutting dead tomatoes plants so I could move the metal supports.  digging up canna bulbs, they played in the coop sandbox while I took a 15 minute nap.  We ate some candy on the bunkhouse rockers.  Then it was time for baths, me first while they played more pickleball, then them while I made Mac and cheese.  We read books and to bed.  Denny is still out in the field.  Uffda!!!   Great day, I'm tired!!!

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