Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Christy Aneursim book club

This afternoon I got a call from Jean sharing something she never thought she would be doing.  Katie had told Jean that she hadn't heard for Christy for a while and so Jean and Arlan went over there.  They found Christy on the living room floor.  The flighted her to Mercy in Des Moines which is close and where Katie is a Pharmacist.  Around 7 Jean had a group call with 6/7 siblings to say they determined that Christy had (something like) an aneurysm.  It would do no good to life flight to Iowa City hospitals,  she would be a vegetable and loved ones did not feel that would be what Christy would want... so it is just a matter of time.  Some time her sister Beth had made contact with Mandy and told Mandy that Christy was an organ donor and it would be 48 hours.  Beth shared," It's only fitting that Christy's last gesture of life would be so selfless, loving and generous ... That's just who she was ..."  

     Lord, we would pray for a miracle.  For peace for family and friends.  For wisdom for family and medical staff.  For your perfect will to be done.  This is hard, Lord.

We had a lovely slow morning.  We had gotten braunswager at Harris Teeter, so I browned some with toast for breakfast along with Mexican coffee.  Brad drove us to downtown and had some ice cream.  At home I cut up some deli sandwiches and got out chips for an easy lunch in the most used room in the house ... the sunroom.   Joyce and I went to Book club, The Authenticity project.  Denny and Brad got burgers for supper.   We came home to get the package of Brad's Tux for a cruise.  So cute!!!

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