Monday, November 20, 2023

Christy's visitation

Up for devo and getting ready to head to Indianola.  We loaded and left about 9:45.  I texted kids questions and update on flowers/ memorial for Christy.  Lord, please be with Jean, Arlen, Katie and family, Beth and family and all of us grieving Christy's death.  May You be the source of everything needed.   By the time we got to Indianola I really needed to use the lady's room.  Thank you Jesus  Katie was going into HyVee as Denny stopped to let me out  I got a Minnie balloon, We took the flowers to funeral home. Then we went to Adam's for walking tacos.  We stopped at Schrums for a pecan roll before we went to check into the motel.  At 4 we went to funeral home.  A lot of people  came thru to express their condolences.  A lot of Wal-Mart personelle.   Back to Schrums for some sandwiches and then to the motel for the night.  Mandy, Jason, Justine and Nancy visited in our room.  Matt rode down to Indianola with Luke and Karen, he spent the night in the other Queen bed in our room, and is riding home with Cooks where Hirshmans will come and get him tomorrow at Cherokee.   


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