Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mon April 12

4/12/10 Up early to the unit. We ate breakfast about 7 am with Gail and Bruce. Denny left for work. We three headed to Orange City. There was a memorial service for my cousin Dan's 30 year old son (Scott) who got infection after pneumonia and died about 2 weeks ago. So sad. Craig and Marilyn came from Decorah. We left about 11 because Bruce had a track meet at Creston. It was good to see the 3 Meylink cousins, their wives and families. At home I finished processing pigs. I was tempted to be depressed about our hog situation, but kept thinking about those who have really hard things to deal with. Cancer ... having a son die ... Lord be with those who are hurting. No one came for Bible study tonight. We were in bed by 9. All the going wears a person out.

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