Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mon April 20

4/20/10 Vet and owners came to the unit by 7. I did all recording of info on wean cards. Denny came about 4 and we gave shots to all 1200 pigs that are going to be weaned Wed. Mark joined us on room 3 Great to have the 6 rooms done. I hurried down to Bible study afterward, 5 gals here. Emily, Elizabeth, Danielle (it was her birthday today!) Stephanie and Ranae. Just good to see them. They had not been here since December. I got 2 phone calls while we were meeting, Mandy was one of them :) When the third call came I think I just rolled my eyes or some thing and didn't run and answer it. The gals laughed. Emily had called me from her cell phone. It was so funny. They got me goood! Great to see Luke and Karen at Evan's 4th BD. I called and the teaching position had been filled with some one with "current" experience. They had a lot of applicants and were able to be "picky". Good thing God knows our dreams, plans and future. He knows best.

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