Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thur April 15

4/15/10 Up to the unit early. We cleaned a little before going to work. Howard and Anabel came home today from a visit to Youslings in Colorado. We had been taking care of their livestock. (Thank you, Lord, that nothing happened to Princess while they were gone.) I subbed for HS PE this afternoon. It went pretty well. He had planned to be outside walking or playing soccer, but it rained so they played kick ball or whiffle ball in the gym. Denny and I ate supper out on the deck ... chips and turkey swiss spinach roll ups. YUM! I really like to mow. First time this year. The freshly cut grass smells so good. Missy is having fun with Brooks . She has liked playing with little babies for a long time. Denny tried to poison the mole in our front yard tonight. While we were outside Curt R. stopped and visited. Denny talked to Lonnie at the bank today.

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