Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tues April 6

4/6/10 Up early to work at the unit and finish baking cinnamon rolls for Home School HS ITED test takers. I got done about 12 and met Denny in Arthur. We drove to Lake City for 100 doses of PG to give to the gilts. I think it's a long ways there. It took about 1 1/2 hours round trip. Back to the unit to process. Denny is headed to motorcycle meeting at 5:30. He had said he would not be able to help me after the meeting, but he showed up with left over microwaved hot dogs and chips. about 6:30. I had decided to just leave the rest of the litters until Wed. afternoon. He came anD said that Missy had gone to the hospital. We ate and then worked on the last 24 litters together. It goes so much faster! At home we got a call that Brooks Canaan Jensen arrived at 10:26 pm. 8# 2 oz. Praise the Lord! With the pigs processed I am able to head to Parkersburg after home school testing.

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