Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday September 27

Up at 5:30 devotions, ran 2 miles Continued work on an IEP for next Monday. Stress. After school I responded to 2 posts assignments. Missy had fixed Steak burritos for supper. We ate out in the coop. Denny went up and worked on the unit windows. Where did I put my camera last night? (I did find my camera about 5 diays later. I had sweated bullets because I thought I had lost it.) Someday maybe I'll get pictures to post. Pretty boring without them.

Sunday September 26

I went to church for prayer time at 8:30. Missy called to say Craig and Marilynn had stopped at the farm on their way home from the Grand Canyon. I came home. We visited for a couple hours . It was so nice. I started to work on Rights without Labels, then a study guide for health. At 4:45 we left for another meal at Kronks. Denny met us there with the motorcycle. He gave rides to Joey and John. They had helped us move sticks last May. At that time the weather was bad and he couldn't give them a ride. They had a great short time. SO good to have Denny home.

Sat September 25

Devotions - Ran 4 miles- Worked on Patty thru the ages, The heart of a teacher, and People first language. It was raining most of the am. Fire in the coop. Phillip started to mow in the afternoon. Left at 4:30 for Kronks with the folks, plus Gary and Kim, Dean and Linda, Swede and friend and Youslings. His daughters were getting after Howard for not smiling. He said he was about to tears, 62 years with his sweetie. Quite a celebration.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday September 24

Didn't run today Coffee at folks Denny left for Burlington this morning on the Harley and got there about 7 pm. Made lots of court house stops along the way on Hwy 2 in the southern tier of IA counties. I came home from school and rubriced Jr class writing probes. I ate with Jensens and stopped for a short while to see Youslings at the folks. Joey and John walked over to play on the tramp.

Thurs Sept 23

5- ran 2 -coffee at folks - Vickie helped me with my first IEP after school. Denny decided not to leave on his Burlington trip until Friday am. He worked on the small computer. I got the big dell for my class work. Finished up response posts on first week of assignments. He is very encouraging to me. I thank God for my husband.

Wed. September 22

Ran 2 It was a beautiful am. Dark, but nice. God is Faithful. I asked Him for a good verse this am and he gave me Isaiah 40 and 41. Wow. Coffee at folks. After school I got my hair cut at Mary's in Wall Lake. I made spaghetti in the am and we had it for supper at the church before Awana. Lisa H does such a great job with the Cubbies. I took Even home afterwards. 2 aides have been gone the last 2 days. Makes the day very full.

Tuesday September 21

GREAT GRANDMA"S BIRTHDAY!! I took over some pretty dahlias before school. After school I got pizza at the Hut. We all ate out in the sunroom. Little A was so cute and so excited to have people visiting. She was bouncing on a red ball. Missy made lemon meringue pie. I took some benydryl at night. 2 aides were gone in our room. Makes for a fuller day.

Monday Sept 20

Up at 5 Did not sleep well last night. Too many things to think about - Class - teaching -unit. I ran 2 this am. It helps clear my mind and focus on God. Coffee at the folks. Missy and Phillip are getting more and more settled all the time. I may start putting random pictures in the blog. I'm not sure what priority blogging will be in the scheme of my life for the next 3 years. That's a frightening thought. I'll just try my best. That's all I can do. Missy, Erin W, and Kim J. at a birthday party for Miss at Carroll, I think

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday September 19 9621

I ran 2 miles. We served Coffee cakes during SS for Heidi's missionary kids talk. I cut up the Panera bagels from yesterday. After church we attended at benefit for Kasey W. She has breast cancer. Lots of people were there. She has been a good friend of mine, even though we have not spent very much time together recently. Keep her on your prayers. After Mandy was born, she and some of her friends came out to my house for Bible study. She did this calligraphy and I gave it back to her today.

Sat September 18

I headed to SC by 7:30. Met with four home school families, weighed in at WW, got bread at the bread store. Home by 1. Denny had met with Dan G. up at the unit. Alan J came from Ames. Let the moving begin. The painting is all done (not the closets, Who looks at them any way?). The 37 year old entertainment center came back into the house for toy storage in the Laundry/toy room. Mandy called and said she was going to a benefit with Jason C. from Cherokee. What a stitch. He is the son of a sorority sister of mine. We have gotten Christmas letters from his mom every year since we have lived in IG. I asked if she recognized him from being on our refigerator during December.


Friday September 17

Up at 5 - still stressed - didn't run - coffee at folks. At noon I contacted Morningside and dropped the class. Payment is prorated per day. 5 days of classes. After school I went to the bank and worked in the break room until Denny got off work. Denny fixed Omaha steak burgers and we had zucchini and squash for supper.

Thursday September 16

Up at 5 - devotions - ran 2 - coffee at folks I took social skills class to Sealed with a Kid. After school I met Susan at Cinn stone. Then headed down to Denison ... Phone message from Missy. She wanted paint at Malcolms ... back to IG. Then down to Denison. 2 sandwiches at Mc D. Out to WIT building for Ed class 361. Intro to mild/ moderate disabilities. High stress for me - I didn't have a syllabus printed - I couldn't get my computer web site logged in - The teacher on the screen was talking - and so were my 4 classmates in Denison. I finally turned my computer over to the nice guy next to me and said that I was not computer literate ... In fact I said to him ... "Think your mother." Immediately there was an "aha" moment and the 4 students in the ICN class looked at me with a new understanding in their eyes. This poor technology disabled student who is taking the class with them. My stress level didn't decrease. At home that night I started arrangements to drop the 2 credit Sped law class that I had turned an assignment in for. (It is offered every term. The plan is to pick it up later.) One 4 credit class is enough. I slid down the steep learning curse that I could not ascend. But I slept better. We ate Mexican with Gail and Bruce on Sunday night. Craig and Marilyn had been there the night before. They were on their way out to the four state corners to meet Keith and Jane.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wed. Sept 15

Denny enjoyed his motorcycle ride last night. He started early "riding". I went for coffee at the folks. Its a big day today. She has a foot appointment in IG this am. This afternoon she has a eye appointment in SC. Usually 2 days after her chemo she is very tired. There was an early out for professional development. After school I came home. Grma Laurie was here. It wil be a great help for the painting to have her here. Then 2 parent can paint away. Good turn out at Awana.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday September 14

Up at 5- devotions - Ran 2- Coffee at folks. Good and bad news. 2 more sessions of chemo treatment because the dosage has been reduced to make it easier on her health. The foreign doctor rechecked the status and said "It's vorking." That was good news and it made Anabel smile each time she told it... vorking. After school I ran the trail with Carol. Then to the park to read for Thursdays class. Then to motorcycle meeting at 5:30. I came home and Denny rode with the 14. The folks had fixed a casserole I brought to them this am so I ate there. Best news of the day, the sped law teacher said my assignment was well done and gave me a couple ideas to improve. I HAVE SENT OFF MY FIRST (of many to come) ASSIGNMENT. UFFTA I was stressed.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday September13

Up at 5 - devotions - As I ran today, I was impressed with the fact that my confidence is in God, not myself. I've got to keep putting my trust in him. Just got to keep my focus upward. Anabel has another Chemo today. After school I started grading a Rubik for sophomores that took a writing assessment. At home I chilled and refreshed with the Grands. Anabel ran to the car to inform me that they were painting. Sure enough, cardboard, in the yard, off the deck. Phillip was painting the rooms inside. I grilled hamburgers for supper with grilled vegetables. After supper I spent 2 hours on the first assignment of sped law. I emailed it to the instructor (30 hours early in the hope she will critique it so I can resubmit it Tuesday night). A friend of mine is having a tough situation, Please remember her in your prayers. She is remembering the times when her children were little and problems were smaller, too. Look at that face on Luke.

Sunday September 12

Up at 6 - Devotions - Ran 2 - I gave Stangls a ride to SS. We stayed for church and the business meeting. Then we headed to see court houses. In Harlan, the court house was downtown. We then went to Audubon court house. Off to Atlantic. We went to the court house and then to Gail and Bruce's. She has been doing a lot of work upstairs, removing wall paper and painting. We ate Mexican. We got home about 7. On the way home we went down 2 county roads that ended in gravel. It added time to our travels. Kind of discouraging to travel 6 miles north and then have to go back because the road turned to gravel ... TWICE. When we got home I went on line to see about my Sp Ed Law class that starts this week. Oh,my, My stress level has just risen. Lots to do and I'm not skilled in those areas. Keep me in your prayers. The picture is from Luke's 1st birthday with John H. Aren't they cute?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday September 11

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANE!! This picture is only 33 years old (when Matt was a baby). I spent most of the day finishing reading my Sp ed Law book. Oh, yes, and I burnt a bag of trash n the fire pit. Luckily, I didn't hang around by the fire, because it exploded a couple times. I shouldnnnnnn't have burnt that. I didn't know it was filled with explosives. So dumb of me. This morning Denny worked in Odebolt. In the afternoon we went to the unit to work on window repairs. Tonight I mowed the lawn. I took a little break from reading this am and picked green beans with Anabel.

Friday September 10

Up at 5 - Devotions - Ran 2 - Folks for coffee - Denny's cousin died this week - pancreatic cancer - He was 53 - Life is short - Live it for God - After school I rode with Teresa and Susan to Omaha for Jacob and Rebecca's wedding. Good to see everyone. Great wedding! TERRIBLE foggy ride home. We left Omaha at 10 and I ddin't get home til after 1. It was so foggy missed the turn off of I 29 at Onawa and had to drive to Sloan exit. Highway 141 had a 10 mile detour there. UFFTA!!

Thursday September 9

Let's see, what did I do? (It is now Sat night 9 pm.) Up at 5:15 -Devotions - I didn't run. I thought I would give my knees a rest. I did stop at the folks for coffee. At noon I went to Moorehead Park where home schoolers were having a field trip. I took my math student to Food Pride to get a few groceries. After school, I ran the trail with Carol (but not up Hamburger Hill. We walked up it. We didn't jump off a bridge either.) Missy is discovering that taking off wall paper is a job. Besides steaming the paper, they have to scrape it off, wipe the paste off the wall with vinegar, and clean the wall again.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Wed. September 8

Up at 5 - devotions - ran 2 - coffee at folks - After school I ran the trail with Carol. Home to make supper to take to church. Good start to Awana. I got my 2 books for my classes. Started to read the book for Sp Ed Law. I brought Evan home. I think Haley got her cast off yesterday. Matt is in KC with a client of the firm.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tues September 7

Up at 5 - devotions - Ran 2 -Coffee at folks - Phillip started his job at UPS in Denison this am (4 am - 9am).I took social skills class to Morningside Care. We had our first house guests for supper tonight. Susan, Gordon and Ethan came for grilled pork chops. a tour of the farm, and a visit by the fire pit. Sue brought a wonderful blueberry pies. Ethan fit right in. He was happy to play with the Grands ... and they were happy to play with him. Missy said she didn't think she would be babysitting for me before I baby sat for her.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday September 6

Wonderful Labor Day I ran 4 miles from 6:30 - 7:30. There was a beautiful sky blue pink eastern sky for about 15 minutes. So glad I was outside then to appreciate it. I "thought" I was running the last miles with Matt. He did make it from Maryville to St. Joe 40 miles from 11 am to 8 am. WOW!! Anabel, Evan and I went to visit GGma and GGpa. First visit for Evan. Gary and family were there. Eric had a new guitar to show us. Karl is running cross country. There was a bitsy little orphan kitty with a loud voice. They stopped over at our place before heading back to Blair. K ... MADE ME SMILE. Denny cleaned the machine shed to make room for 6-7 vehicles. WOW!! It looks so good. 4 will go in the machine shed ... 2 in the garage when it is empty ... the Toyota across the road in the barn shed. I balanced the check book and reconciled it with the bank and computer. We ate lunch in the barn and supper on the deck. Missy and Phillip cleaned the kitchen cupboards. Good day, Lots done.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday September 5

Slept til 6 - Now that is unusual. Devotions - Ran 2 - Went to church at 8:30. Laura invited us for lunch. Then we headed home, hoping for the white tornado to do it's magic on our things still upstairs. The Jensens are here to stay. :) They finished loading the last of their things and got to the farm some time after 8. Unbelievably, their upstairs home was void of our things. (The things have now been moved to the bunk house or relocated in our apartment.) Denny has vacuumed and gotten the first layer of dirt. I fixed our first meal downstairs. Had to, didn't have any food upstairs. I couldn't get to sleep tonight, who knows why, so I'm blogging and saying a little prayer for Matt. Matt is running from Maryville to St. Joe for fun tonight. He and friend Kenny left about 11 and hope to eat breakfast at Bob Evans in St. Joe about 7. They have vehicles en route with a change of dry socks and shoes, energy goop, water, etc. I guess I'm just happy that I can lie in bed now (even if I don't fall right asleep). Sure beats running 40 miles. Matt, you go, son!!! I'm cheering you on, (just not ready to join you for the whole run). Ride 'em cowboys!

Sat September 4 9161

Up early, Yes, I could bring my stuff to Brenda's house for her garage sale. I went there about 7 and came home about 10. $30 dollars richer, and I had a good time visiting with her. Plus I dropped off about 6 boxes at Never Too Old. So I only had 5 boxes of stuff to put in the bunk house. I went for a visit at the folks. Denny put a cell phone amplifier in the basement. He was almost a tickled to get good reception as he was to have cookie b'day cake camping with the Grands earlier this summer. Ask Missy ... as he talked to her and she found out where he got 2 bars reception ... and which room he got 1 bar reception ... and how many bars receptions there would be if he walked upstairs ... into the laundry room ... or bathroom ... or bedroom .... or out on the deck. :D Basically, I just went through upstairs stuff to decide what to do with it all day. Good day. Got a lot done. Denny mowed at the unit for about 4 hours. OH YES and my class books are NOT here yet. I had hoped to start to read them this weekend. BUMMED!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday September 3

Up at 5 - Devotions - Ran 2 - A little chilly -Coffee with folks, and little Anabel - As I left for school, the Jensens were unloading their things into the garage. Staff meeting at 8 am. Nice day at school, nothing earth shattering, but fun to be there. (Sure wish I knew what I was doing. :D ) Denny got home about 6:45. He had a visit with Dan G. at the bank. I started a fire burning stuff from material, to baby diapers, to books, and checks from 1995. We sat out by the fire and found out about each other's day. It seems like Denny makes loans to some customers that may have been my students. Tried to call Brenda S. about her garage sale.

Thursday September 2

Up at 5 - Devotions - Ran 2 - Coffee at folks I had an IEP training meeting at BC at 1. I thought it went til 3:30. It was over at 3. I headed to Teresa's and visited with Susan as I gave her a ride to IG. So good to talk to my friends. At my dentist appointment, I had a good report. When I got home, I mowed the lawn until Denny got home about 6:30. We stopped to talk and have some leftovers. He went to pay bills and I finished mowing. Good to talk to Luke tonight. Missy and Phillip took about 5 hours to travel with the flat bed trailer loaded. I got a hug from Grands before bed. :D