Wonderful Labor Day I ran 4 miles from 6:30 - 7:30. There was a beautiful sky blue pink eastern sky for about 15 minutes. So glad I was outside then to appreciate it. I "thought" I was running the last miles with Matt. He did make it from Maryville to St. Joe 40 miles from 11 am to 8 am. WOW!! Anabel, Evan and I went to visit GGma and GGpa. First visit for Evan. Gary and family were there. Eric had a new guitar to show us. Karl is running cross country. There was a bitsy little orphan kitty with a loud voice. They stopped over at our place before heading back to Blair. K ... MADE ME SMILE. Denny cleaned the machine shed to make room for 6-7 vehicles. WOW!! It looks so good. 4 will go in the machine shed ... 2 in the garage when it is empty ... the Toyota across the road in the barn shed. I balanced the check book and reconciled it with the bank and computer. We ate lunch in the barn and supper on the deck. Missy and Phillip cleaned the kitchen cupboards. Good day, Lots done.
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