Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday September 30

Coffee at folks. Denny is down in St. Jo for Grandparents day with Frank. Lucky them. I got a $700 check in the mail to Morningside for the privilege of taking the graduate class Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers. Hopefully I'll pass those 4 credits. I had an IEP at 3. After school I came home and spent 1 hour and 45 minutes working on a quiz that is worth 10 points. And I'm still not sure I got those 10 points right, but there was a 2 hour limit on the quiz. I visited with the neighbors after submitting the quiz. UFFTA!! Missy and kids came down. E&A were happy to take a long shower. Of course Brooks fell down on the shower room floor. Ouch!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday September 29

Happy Birthday Kathy!!!Hoping you are having a great day!!! Coffee at folks this am. Denny left about 3 pm and drove the pickup and trailer to Atlantic then took the motorcycle down to St Jo. Grand parents day tomorrow. I had a meeting at 5 today about an ID waiver. I'm tired. Independent living classes fixed tacos, corn casserole, sliced peaches and chocolate chip cookies.

Wednesday September 28

Happy Birthday Grandpa Johnson!! I stopped over for coffee. After school I ran the trail. Then I went and got Laura for Awana. She fixed a yummy supper. Once again there were lots of kids at Awana.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday September 27

Happy Birthday Betsy!!!! Fun to see you and Maggie and Martin this summer. I ran the trail after school. Then rode stationary bike while Denny and I watched the news at the rec center. Then swam for 15 minutes. I went to the grocery store to get ice cream to eat with the pie Missy made for Grandpa's birthday tomorrow. OH MY WAS THAT PIE WONDERFUL!!!

Monday September 26

A&E went with me to coffee at folks. They brought cards that they had made for great granny. At school Cathy had thought that Missy and I had put a lot of time into the alternate assessment (true). And she felt it looked good. After school I did sign up for the 90 day weigh in with 6 goals for me. I made them pretty low to hopefully ensure that I make them. The rec center uses this fancy dancy scale that tells weight plus bone mass, body fat, muscles mass, physic rating, basil metabolic rate, body water %, visceral fat and metabolic age. I was most encouraged because it gave my metabolic age as 38. That's encouraging to a 60 year old woman. Perhaps it read my mind and realized how immature I was and took that into consideration. I had called Susan G. and she met me at the pool and we swam and talked and exercised for an hour. Then home, talk on the deck with Denny who had registered also (and thought my low goals were a joke). Supper of eggs,veg and cheese. Denny spent 2 hours typing up Financial Peace for me. Thanks Denny.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday September 25

63 years for Anabel and Howard.Anabel and I went into town at 8. I stopped by the school and went to the Dollar store. At church I got lemon aid and vanilla wafers out for after SS. Then I had 12 in the 2-5 year old SS class. Quick nap after lunch. Missy came down and once again we worked on Alternate Assessments. Thanks, Missy! We went to prayer time. What a lot to praise God for! 2 new families visited. plus another 2 that have come the last 2 weeks.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

September 24

Happy Birthday CRAIG!!! We stopped for coffee at folks. Denny went home and hooked up the motorcycle trailer (without motorcycle). At 11:15 I took Howard to Odebolt where Denny was working and the two of them headed to Denison. Howard had gotten a lawnmower and wanted to bring it home in the trailer. Anabel had ordered a pizza and we had it for lunch when the guys got home. I submitted my quiz over chapters 3&4 in the morning. In the afternoon I started on CT IEP. Bruce returned my call asking about Maynard. Maynard is doing okay. He got dismissed and home by about noon of Wednesday and went to the last 2 periods of the day. He stayed home Thursday, but homecoming was Friday and he went to school and the dance. He doesn't go down the busy, full halls between classes, but waits until they clear out some. We are so thankful every thing was checked out. They did not find any problem, but the "Pace makers like thing" should activate if ever he is in need of it. At 6 Denny grilled pork chops for neighbors. There was a football game before..Missy and Evan vs. Phillip and me. After eating in the coop, we sat around a fire. Nice night.

Friday September 23

Coffee at folks. At school there was unmerited concern over my use of a kitchen. Carlie and I went to Moorehead Park and did some map skills as we walked a nature trail with homeschoolers. Powder puff football at 3. At 4, I stopped and picked up Susan. We drove to SC and visited with homeschoolers. It was great to visit. Praise the Lord for all that He is doing in our lives. We talked about how good it was to be at the last Whitney wedding and how important it si to have Christian friends. I stopped at football game and visited a short time with Casey W. Cole was born the end of this month. It would be so sad to have a child die. My heart goes out to her. I didn't know what to say...just gave her a hug. I told her I did the tri for a cure. What a battle she has had. Denny had gone to Denison and got home about 10. We visited until 11.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday September 22

What a great picture!!!Coffee at folks this am. Denny had an early meeting. After school I asked Megan P. if she wanted to join me for a sandwich before the homecoming parade. We watched the parade together. Denny was grilling. I swam at rec center for an hour. It was great, Jean H. was lifeguard and I talked to her the entire time (just did side stroke and breast stroke). It has been too long since I just visited with Jean. Plus I got to do my easy workout. Missy subbed at HS today. She ate during my lunch hour and for me it was the best lunch hour yet this year. Denny worked out too.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday September 21

Happy Birthday Anabel!!! E&A came over with me for coffee this am. Missy made a lemon meringue pie. After school we went and visited and had a yummy piece. I worked on class work until 7:15. Then to Awana. There were 215 youth at church tonight. Lord, supply workers to help meet those needs. Arthur only has 205 population. I called home schoolers in SC. for visit. After Awana I submitted a 431 assignment.

Tuesday September 20

Happy Birthday Brad. Fun to see you in Denver in August. I submitted 2 assignments for 431. Coffee at folks. I got more space put on the lap top. It said I was running out of room so Doug put more capacity in my machine. He also retrieved by list of emails. Good to have them back where I know where they are. I had the Ind. Liv kids iron today... 2 of them said they would never to that again. After school I ran the trail. At 5:30 Denny and I met at Rec center. I swan for 45 Minutes (37 laps). He rode the bike. A gal came to sell us a picture sky picture of the farm,but it was past me bed time so I went to bed.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday September 19

Coffee at folks. Her blood got checked and it is okay so they are headed to SC tomoorow for a chemo treatment. She is happy about that. It was great to have it checked in IG and not have to go to SC and thenpossibly turn around and go home if the count wasn't high enough. After school I stayed until Denny's meeting at rec center at 6:30. Cathy had given me an assignment of two goals to amend for probes. Always seems like there is much to do. Nice visit with Mandy on the way to school. This is the back of our triathlon shirts. Jodi L did them. I think they turned out pretty cool. Thanks for battling Anabel, Nancy,Gail, Jean, and many of my friends

Sunday September 18

Called Bruce to check on Maynard. What a praise that he is okay. We took 3 little ones into donuts. Actually there was coffee cake at church for Heidi T. After church Aikens invited us over for dinner. It was really good. Roast, garden potatoes, garden green beans, fruit, home made apple pie. In the afternoon I worked on school, Denny set us desk area for him in furnace room to pay bills and visit with Matt about roof ventilation. :) Missy came down at 4 and (hugely) helped me with alt. assessment. She is so fast typing and logging on to websites on the computer. Thanks so much Missy!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday September 17

Anabel and I went for coffee at folks. Told them about Maynard. So thankful there were those around that could give him CPR. I worked on 431 class all morning. Denny went out to cut up metal from the silo coming down. We are lunch out in to coop. Missy went to Storm Lake with some friends. Phillip took the 3 to band practice. I fixed supper for when they got home. Denny mowed at folks and unit with tractor mower. Mandy did another triathlon today.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday September 16

I got this emai from my sister Nancy.........Thursday Maynard (my nephew,son of my brother Bruce) was running in a 20 team cross country meet in Cedar Falls. He had just completed the three legs of the race, and was near the finish line when he suddenly collapsed. Tonya was right there, saw her brother fall, and immediately checked his heart beat and began chest compressions and CPR. A coach and a doctor were very close, and assisted until an ambulance arrived, started his heart with a defibrillator (sp) after 5 minutes, and took him to the hospital in Cedar Falls. Bruce and Barb drove down from Decorah for the night, and Tesha and Lane paid a visit.
Today (Friday) Maynard was taken by ambulance to Mayo Clinic (St. Mary's hospital) in Rochester. Bruce rode with him in the ambulance, and Barb drove, stopping to pick up some items for Maynard in Decorah. Maynard has had an EKG and some kind of X-ray of his heart, that show no physical heart abnormalities. He will be having more tests, probably on Monday to determine the exact cause, and may possibly need a device like a pacemaker to regulate his heart beat. This is yet to be determined, but hopefully testing and results will be available by Wednesday. Apparently Maynard feels fine now; when I called, Bruce said that he was in the middle of eating his supper. His room phone # is 507 - 287- 4314.
Please hold Maynard and his family in your hearts, your thoughts and prayers at this stressful time.
Lord, please be with Maynard and bring healing. Thank you for having Tonya there.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday September 15

Coffee at folks. Denny had an early meeting. The meeting after school was cancelled therefore I had to make 3 phone calls and four emails. Ind living fixed BLT, cut uup cantelope, and steamed broccoli. After school I worked, but didn't get much accomplished. Denny grilled pork chops. We ate out on the deck. I wrote my application for Grad school at Morningside. Denny proof read it and found way too many I's. Submitted first assignment for 431. Much to do and it is 10 pm. (an hour past my bed time).

Wednesday September 14

Anabel went with me to coffee. Full day...At school there was an early out. Then IEP meeting that the principal couldn't be at... then to haircut...pick up church for for 431 at church...lead game time...pick up 2 grands and bring home...write some more for bed. Thankfully twice Denny has helped me locate things that I seem to misplace and get stressed out about. Thanks, Denny, I love you. I couldn't do this life without you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday September 13

FIRST OF ALL CONGRATS TO KAREN WHO PASSED THE LAW BAR!!!!Coffee at folks. E&A went along. I try to soak up the good things, like being with my family. Full day at school. I don't feel like I am ready at all for an IEP that I have tomorrow. Lord, please help me. After school I went to Holstein to WW. Then to vote in IG. Then to HS to work on school stuff. At 7 I headed to a home school meeting that met at the library. Denny went to the motorcycle meeting and on a ride. Oh for the good days of July. My Morningside class started yesterday. Now I have that in the mix, too. Lord, help me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday September 12 18636

Coffee at folks. Little A. came with me. The folks were leaving for SC about 8. Anabel was scheduled for a blood test and possible Chemo. Howard had a skin check?. Anabel's platelets were down one point from last Wed. so no chemo. The doctor talked a little about having the blood test done in IG the day before. We'll see what comes about. After school I ran the trail, Denny had a haircut and bought groceries. The little gal is Shae... Jason's niece. A real cutie.
Mary Jo's blessings are such an encouragement for me. But the blessing for last Friday really spoke to me. I am challenged outside my comfort zone. and I question a lot whether this is the territory that God's wants me to occupy. "May the Lord bless and keep you today. May you step up to new experiences and obedience with the Lord. May you be challenged outside of your comfort zone, into the territory God wants you to occupy. God bless you." At school today I had a talk with a student who really had no interest in his future...didn't want to think about it, or plan for it. Didn't want responsibility, that was too much work. This is tough territory, Lord, that I don't have the know how to deal with. I'm out of my comfort zone. But I know you are with me. Help me and my students. You have a plan for their lives.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday September 11

Happy Birthday Diane!! Hope you're having a Great Day!! We went on line and got our tickets to fly to Brownsville on Feb. 15 and fly home Feb. 20 Go Priceline! Pray there are no snags. I always am a little wary that something might go wrong. Took little ones for donuts, then after church there was a business meeting so didn't get to go to a pancake benefit, but Denny got Subways before he towed the Jensen's van to Odebolt. Yes, it quit again. In the afternoon Missy helped me with alternate assessments for one of my kids. Denny went to prayer time and I worked on grading the probes for an IEP on Wednesday. The bottom picture is of the Cooks and the Johnson's. Jan and I were college sorority sisters. Mandy met Jason out in Denver and they have done a lot of things together. So when they decided to come to the big game we got an invite to the Cook's tailgate before the game. Small world.

Saturday September 10

Up early and off to Ames on the Harley. Brisk Beautiful Morning. We got there about 9:30 and went to Cooks tailgate area. Mandy and Jason came about 30 minutes later. It was fun to renew acquaintances and meet new people. Dean and Linda walked over to talk for a while. When everyone left for the game we visited a little bit more then went to Alan and Laurie's. Laurie was in Minnesota. We took a nap there and listened to the end of the football game. UFFTA one overtime (Should we go back to the tailgate? or just head home?)...two overtimes... (We thought maybe we would just go home if ISU lost)...THREE overtimes...(Lets go to the tailgate areas!!! Even if ISU would was a great game). ISU WINS!!! Sweet. The black and gold team from out east was pretty bummed. GO Iowa State!! We visited with Cook crowd, then went to Whaley's and sat and talked there. Finally headed home around 5. GREAT DAY!! GREAT to see our daughter.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday September 8

Coffee at folks. After school I ran the trail, nice and slow. Then worked in the resource room. I set up a meeting with a parent for Wednesday at 3 and another parent on Thursday at 4. Denny washed the bank car tonight. I worked on an IEP out on the deck with my laptop plugged in. Jensens once again had their car stop. OUCH!! We're planning to see Mandy tomorrow at the ISU/Iowa tailgate party with Cooks. WoooHooo Jump up and shout!!! Go Iowa State!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday September 7

Coffee at folks. Long day at school. I chose the wrong story for the probe for 12th graders. Then printed up the wrong answer sheet. Ind. liv made spaghetti, asparagus, Parmesan bread and had grapes. I have students that are not handing in assignments, some that failed a test and have to retake it, some not getting along with gen ed teachers, some that are distracted too easily, some that can't keep tract of their papers. UFFTA!! Then I look at my grands and all is okay with the world. Aren't they great? Just makes me smile. When I got home Denny washed the pick up and I mowed the lawn. It felt like a long day, but the Jensen cousins are here and they were playing outside in superman and Minnie mouse costumes. So cute Made me smile every round I made with the lawn mower.

Wednesday September 7

Coffee quick at folks. They are headed to SC. Missy is driving them with two little ones and leaving Brooks at Tracey J. child care. (Anabel didn't get a chemo. Her white count wasn't high enough.) Long day for all of them I am sure. At school we had an assembly "Rachel's Challenge". It was excellent. After school I ran the trail, talked to Luke and stayed for a second Challenge presentation. At home Denny washed the Prius. Challenge points: Look for the best in everyone. Dream Big. Use words of encouragement. Start your own chain reaction. (and one other one) After the presentation I was sitting in the bleachers and met this little girl who is in kindergarten and just happens to have my name. She and her mom Julie sat right in front of me. Maybe both Faiths can share kindness with those around us.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuesday September 6

Coffee at folks. Started ball rolling for grade level probes at school. After school I ran the trail with Carol S. BLT's for supper. Denny took Phillip to pull van to Odebolt for the Ford dealer to fix. RB floats with kids. My Morningside class starts in a week. I don't know where the time will come from to do those assignments. The grands sure like to pick/eat mulberries. It was fun to watch them this summer with their stained fingers and mouths...and feet if they didn't have shoes on. Haley and Anabel took berries into the castle. Then to the glass house to share with cousins.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monday Sept. 5

Great to have Labor day off. To folks for coffee. Wrote letters to kids. Worked on substitute info. Worked on making worksheets for IEP, Stated M's IEP, Looked at classes to teach for this week. There seems like to much to do. Lord, Thank you that you know and are preparing me for what is a head.

Sunday September 4

Donuts in the am. After church Denny had some things he needed at Bomgaars. I read the book the DT suggested by Jamie Vollmar. We can't do it alone. Went to church parsonage for bonfire then home for bonfire. Jensens rode bikes and their car stopped (probably electrical) and Denny went in to pull the car to Don's and bring them home.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday September 3

I read in bed until after 7 am. That's a long time for me. Finished Morningside text by noon. That made my day. Denny worked on electirc fence for Gretel and Gertie. That made his day. I took 3 little ones where Denny, Phillip, and 3 guys were working. Missy made volcano birthday cake from rice Krispie bars, etc. Kids got real dirty playing in hay from barn that is in the compost shed. I started putting my checks into computer. At 5:30 we headed to Sac City where siblings ate at Sac County Cattlemans. We took Evan along,too.

Friday September 2

Coffee at folks. I took banana muffins to school. Staff meeting at 8. M. started on Plato until fire drill during success. I read Morningside text in basement. After Denny got home from work we had left over pizza out in the green house, then in the coop. I read more from Morningside text in bed.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday September 1

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE!!!! Little A and I went to folks for coffee. Diane is taking the folks to an Angus meeting in Harlan this morning. Missy is watching the boys. At school we fixed fried eggs and sausage in Ind Liv. After school I ran the trail. Boy, was it hot! Denny had a haircut and then rode to Correctionville pizza with the IG club. I worked at school. Snuggles at home with little one and baked banana muffins for Friday flagpole students. Anabel has had some type of bug and Missy got medicine for it. I called the birthday boy. SMILES.

Wednesday August 31

Coffee at folks. Mom said she was feeling pretty dizzy and not good yesterday, but this morning she feels a little better. Diane and boys came yesterday. They are staying with Balentines. I stopped at church and took frozen cavatini out to thaw. At school C and I went to groceries for Ind Liv. After school I headed to church to put in the hot dish. Nice turn out for the Awana training. It is an encouragement to have so many leaders willing and happy to spend time with kids sharing Christ. Got home about 9:15.